Kakashi reached the rooftop first, he broke the lock and kicked the door. As expected, he was attacked.
Eya stepped forward and created a shield for Kakashi as he took cover by the side of the staircase wall. Hitori followed her as she blocked the bullets for everyone and took them to the side.
Akira came, at last, he fired a spell at a guard from the three guards. Of course, his spell did no damage to the guard, since he was wearing the battlesuit, but hurting him was not the goal either.
Hitori watched in horror as the pressure from Akira's attack pushed the guard to the edge of the helipad and threw him off the roof. He heard Eya gasp.
The other two guards were pissed, they reloaded their guns with high-caliber bullets and pulled the trigger.
Akira circled his arm and planted a shield, Eya broke the shield and jumped forward. She fired at the guard on the right and threw him off the roof.