I Could Fall

Hitori turned and peeked from over the sofa. His hand slipped off the floor and he landed hard on his butt when he heard a piercing scream. 

It was the scream of a person outside– then all they heard for the next minute were the screams of the men outside. 

At first, he was relieved to know the trees were attacking the men outside, but after fifteen seconds of the screams, he thought something was wrong. 

Reon came closer to him and grabbed onto his shirt. "What is this? The plants were never this vicious!" 

Hitori could barely hear her with the screams in the background. "I do not know. It seems like they are being tortured," he said.

His eyes had adjusted to the dark room, he could see Kakashi standing beside the staircase. He opened his mouth, but closed it immediately when he realized Kakashi was not controlling the trees– even Kakashi was staring with fear in his eyes.