
One shot was not enough to stop Tengoku, and when he was getting lost in the dark, Hitori rose to take serious action.

"Give him everything you have," he said.

Reon held the gun straight at Tengoku and fired multiple shots. Hitori swung his wand and charged bolts of electricity, but it was hard to aim in the darkness, and they could not risk getting close to him or his men.

"You bastard, stop!" Hitori stepped forward, almost exposing himself to the front-liners, and fired another electrify spell. "Electrify!"

Reon fired the last bullets in the magazine. The heavy magazine fell from the gun as she drew another from the back of her skirt. But by the time she loaded the gun, Tengoku had disappeared. 

Hitori lowered his wand and leaned forward to run when Reon grabbed him. "Do not do that! It will cost your life!"