Bad News

The shield was shining just as it had shone back at the house. But Hitori's priority was catching the signal. He held her iPhone above his head (since he was the tallest of them), but could not catch the signal.

"Maybe we should try the other corner," Reon suggested. 

Hitori nodded. With his hand still in the air, he moved to the right side of the shield. The shield was surrounding the lair in a circle, with the lair as the midpoint. Hitori took another step forward, standing as close to the shield as possible.

"Ah!" Reon gasped, "come back, Hitori!" She covered her mouth and feared Hitori might drop into the shield and get himself reduced to ashes. 

Hitori held his hand higher and finally saw a bar appear, and he smiled. Of course, the signal should reach this point, he was standing at the diameter's top after all.

Hitori clicked the contacts and saw her brother's number in the recent calls. He tapped that contact and turned around to Reon.