
A party. That is what some psychopath called this mess. A party with a shower of bullets, the sparks of gunpowder would be the disco lights. What music would be better for that psychopath than the firing sound? 

Not to forget the DJ, though, the one with a tattoo on his chest, a big-ass bandage on another. A katana in his hand, and a gun dangling on the side. Unlike most DJs, he was a show-off. 

He strode through the front ramp shirtless. Then he jerked his arm and activated the extra music effect to the main music. The man with rifles fired at the house while the machine guns destroyed the woods. 

All of this was for Hitori, the star of the night, but he was standing around the corner with his eyes wide. The bright shine was assuring, almost guaranteeing to protect from any kind of danger.