Just a Touch

But you are not getting this. You would not. 

Hitori backed down. Eya and Kakashi raised their hands and shouted, "Get back! Get away from him!" 

Tengoku's men were confused, they had never seen a dragon in their lives, and all they did was kill human beings. Tengoku and Migi spared a second to glance at the dragon, then forgot about it and went back to fighting. 

"Bring it down!" Hitori screamed. "Burn their asses!" He could not believe those words were coming from his mouth – or perhaps he was too angry to spare a second and reflect on his words and believe them. 

"And I know now that I will back down," Saiko muttered, staring at the Dragon. "Oh, I will slow down. What is that thing?!" he shouted. Then dropped his head. His jacket was clinging to his arms and the blood had stopped flowing. 

Hitori grinned as he went down the path of the woods. "A hot dragon's fire for your scientific ass!"