Talks With The Talent Providing Impact

"Don't forget the teams to look for ores," Angelica added, "they found lots of mines, and we needed miners to work there."

"Didn't you find any in the humans we got?"

"We got few, but not that enough," Isac said, "we need at least ten folds, no, even more."

"To such an extent?!!" I was surprised by the large number of mines they found.

"We just looked in a radius of three hundred miles around. This world… It's too damn big! I suppose it's ten folds the size of Earth."

"Maybe larger," I nodded before pointing at Hilary, "but you got to first discover how big and special resources here are before we set our priority at work. Any dangers by the way?"

"Nothing yet."

"Cool. Have you started farming?"

"We started for an area of ten miles," Hilary said, "but this world lacks any animal life, only trees. We tried eating fruits and seeds, and found good things here."