The Crown Meeting

That battle was really huge! Ten million? I'd bet the number of dead there would be in the tens of millions.

However… The distance between my capital and these plains was simply immense! I'd use the kingdom heart at my capital. Would it reach that place?

If it did, then I'd use the fountain there. And that wasn't the sole problem.

That fountain must be secured and watched all the time by lots of my forces. If any hostile force attacked it, it would shatter and I'd lose time and resources.

I thought about using it at my capital or near it. However, that big number of dead conditions was the only obstacle I had.

Even if the kingdom's heart range reached the central plains, it would place a great pressure over my forces right now to secure it.

Besides… I had low confidence in my ability to control these plains in the next quest.

Wryly was busy fighting up north with all his forces. Fang could help, but that bastard would ask for lots of benefits in return.