[Bonus chapter] Asking For More Soulers!

It was him! But his voice… It was his yet it looked like it got many years younger than what he was.

Looking at him from such close distance made me inwardly sigh. He got such a massive upgrade in everything, vibe, demeanour, strength, and even his soul and voice.

Even his age got younger! Damn! How could this be even possible?!!

"It's ok," I waved my hand as if I wasn't envious of him, "but I heard a few disturbing rumours about what you did. Was it you?"

"S… Sorry lord, I was just hungry and didn't want to disturb you during your training. I ate souls from other races than yours."

Well… At least he was considerate towards that point. Still… What he did… Just one breath… Just one roar… Damn!

What a fierce dude he was!

As I jumped over my shock from what he did and the transformation he had, I started to think about something else.

He was mine! That scary dude over here was mine!

"So you got enough for today?" I asked and he nodded.

"Thanks lord for showing mercy."