How Kingdom Hearts Work

But now, I finished all the things I didn't catch up with during the past hours.

Looking at the progress my arms made brought a smile over my face.

"Almost done," the progress here was much smoother than the one I did over that continent hovering over my head.

I estimated it would take another half an hour to get things done. And in less than this period of five minutes, my arms finally drew a deep line, forming a colossal triangle over Earth.

"I'm ready," once I finished, I said to Sith, "what now?"

[Take out one of those hearts, but first let me explain what you are going to do here…]


[First you gotta understand how the kingdom hearts work and why they are special. Controlling a piece of land and declaring it as your kingdom is easy to say and do. However if anyone came and invaded this land, they can easily take it over from you]

"That's true indeed."