I Have To Act Crazy!

Cities and towns got destroyed and turned into ruins. The once was bustling cities and towns with life turned to such lifeless and ruined places filled with terror, doubt, and death.

Sorry folks, this was the ugly face of the apocalypse. I knew you came from such a high and mighty race, one that sheltered you and your world from the brutality and cruelty of the apocalypse.

And it seemed that my role was to give you a fierce and cold slap on your faces to wake up.

"Keep pushing forward!" I kept shouting like this from time to time, whenever I felt my forces get lost into the maze of these buildings and resident blocks.

In an hour of brutal fighting, we finally reached a wide open place. It seemed it was dedicated to military forces, and there I found the huge army standing between me and my forces.

"Kill!" It wasn't time for any hesitation. They stood there, giving their backs to us, while trying to go forward.