A Scary Enemy Is Here

As for how to get there, it was easy.

"So these marks can guide me there now?" for a reason, and when I was in the middle of taking the marks of cubes from the dead bodies of these lords, I felt as if I got a feeling towards certain directions.

It wasn't clear, but it wasn't that vague either. I could point towards one direction with my left hand as if it was attached towards it with a long string.

This was new, and it just happened in the middle of absorbing the dead lord's marks.

What was it? What were these marks and cubes? I frankly didn't know. But for a reason, whatever ability I got or gained, it was getting stronger the more lords I killed.

"I have to return to Tom's place first," I muttered while recalling that small task I entrusted Tom with.

He had to keep an eye over the ongoing brutal battle far away from here. I still recalled how his face looked when he heard about this for the first time.