The Fruits Are Ready

Damn! I was strong enough to forget about the feeling of pain at this point. And yet not just my glaive failed to cut through the shield, but I also got hurt instead.

As I repeated such a process at many trees, I failed to do anything to these shields. In the end I had to accept such a result and returned to the seat of spectators and watched what was going on without doing anything else.

In the next few hours, all that happened was for these fruits to grow darker in colour and show more lines as if they wrinkled.

If my guess was correct, then these fruits were getting ripe and soon they'd fall out.

I imagined many scenarios for what was going to happen next. I pictured that race to come out from these fruits the same way baby birds would come out from their eggs.

Or perhaps they'd act exactly like any tree, and let these fruits cut off and fall from such height to the ground.