Let Me Loose!

After all, I gave each general one million of them. And it'd be insane to believe such a method would truly work!

The normal warriors were weak and vulnerable against these fiends, but that wasn't the case for my soulers.

The soulers chased and killed all the fiends the enemy sent. Even when the enemy sent more reinforcements, they couldn't do anything at all.

How could they stand against an enemy that just needed to pass through one's body and kill him?

It was quite brutal to be honest. And at such moments, I felt quite relieved that soulers were on my side, not against it.

The moment my soulers acted, things started to grow out of control for the enemy.

No matter how hard they tried, the enemy failed to contain the unstoppable charge of my side. And at the same time, the enemy lost too much from such an attack.

In the end, the enemy was forced to use another high end attack of his, the clouds!