I Got Wings!!!

"I want something from you," I held my horn out, "I will take out a large number of forces, but I can't cover up the entire world in a short time. Is there a way to solve others who are far from here?"

"We have our means," Clatinberg spoke in such a heavy tone, "each hole has a defensive shield. But that won't last forever."

"No problem, all I need is enough time for me to visit the entire planet here," I confidently said before waving my hands, and the next thing happened was for tons of warriors to appear.

"Listen, the folks down below need our help. Ask them your wishes, be it to be strong, to have stronger defences, to even fly and have a second life… Ask them for anything and everything, even gears and weapons, ask them for all you want and then give them the full credit and assessment."

I took out in the first wave millions of my warriors. They were just normal ones, without a single stat point.