Cracking Jokes At The Wrong Time

"You'll call it Earth, right?" and out of the blue, she said something quite weird and unexpected.

"Come on! It's not like you are part of my race or planet to begin with!" I raised one eyebrow, and she responded with a short laugh.

"Don't give me this look. The ones who got to join you seemed to get infected with… What do you call it? Humanity? Yes, humanity's genes or something."

"Stop joking! It's not the time for that!" I laughed at her words, and she laughed as well.

"I'm not! Just ask anyone from another race and he or she will tell you that."

"For real?!"

"Sure," she smiled, "don't you believe me?"

"I do," I laughed, "but we have an issue here. What shall we call you then? A humanoid race or what?"

"Well, you can just name us humans, that will be enough," she winked, "after all, won't everyone joining the kingdom be considered humans?"

"Sure," I laughed, "now let's return to speaking a bit more seriously. What shall we do about all this?"