Space Gifted Dudes

Damn! I was very excited about this! Just by using these portals, sending them over the new world out there, everything we were suffering and struggling so far with would be gone!

Puff! It would be vaporised in thin air like a bubble of soap or something! If we used these portals out there, and they proved to work like what he described, then all we needed to do was to gather our armies, point to a location, and then send them all over the world towards their destination.

We didn't need to suffer and wait for a long time, sending people all over the world, trying to investigate everything like Lily and I planned to do.

We simply could send everything we had towards every corner of the world. And according to the situation we'd find there, we'd decide if we'd send more forces or not!

Damn! This… This… This was what truly a battle changing weapon was like!