
Next time, I'd make sure to not focus over the forces inside, but those at the outside first. Even if the enemies sent their cyclope-Exomachines mix, then my forces would get enough time to deal with this.

And… I truly missed my chariot at this point! The chariot would provide a safe shelter for me while travelling around, even in the middle of such deadly and scary shockwaves.

Even with the deadly shockwave being released like this, I never stopped my fallen gods from attacking everywhere.

They were hitting everything blindly, but their contribution was needed. The Exomachines were there, and they were the ones leading such an attack and causing the most damage.

The Exomachines already proved their abilities to stop my shockwave. In the past, they were able to stop such deadly waves and also my deadly fire at the cost of getting damaged.

But right now… and with all the energy they had from the cyclopes… I couldn't tell if they were going to be damaged in the end or not.