Meeting An Old Friend

For them, he was prepared to suffer to let them enjoy a better life, much better and peaceful than what his family gave to him.

"I believe so," Hye raised his head to see a portal appearing out of nowhere. The first step to reach his goal was by going back to the same place he went to many years ago.

Hye never stepped a single foot outside his apocalypse except for two times. At one time, he went to visit a god, and at another he went to visit the Bringold impact.

And right now, that portal appeared to link his world to the world of the Bringold impact.

Hye wasn't the same newbie he was when he went there. He learnt a lot of things already about impacts. Each impact took at least one world as a base for their operations. And the more worlds the impact got, the higher that impact grade and stance in the universe became.