Chapter 7

We walked the strip for a while before we decided on a nice Steak house, and the food was amazing. "Oh my gosh, that was some of the best food I have had in a long time. Definitely wanna come back here once life is a little calmer." Corrie and I had just eaten one of the best steaks in the world, well as far as I am concerned. "What do you want to do now?"

"We better head back to the room Kenna before the guys get back. If they aren't already."

"Oh, if they are there already we are already gonna get a lecture. It is better to ask forgiveness than permission. Especially considering we are two adults that they do not get to boss round. Let's just go for a walk to help our food to digest."

Corrie just rolled her eyes at me and started walking. I am determined to have fun no matter what, we have enough going bad in our lives without help. We started walking the strip again, which is actually pretty cool at night. One of the hotels has a great water show and another one has a pirate show. I really don't think I could stay here for very long but a day or two and I could see so much. Corrie was even starting to enjoy herself. We were also told to head over to Fremont Street, it is supposedly more old style Vegas, and has some pretty cool sites. They were right too, there is this amazing overhead canopy thing that they do light shows on. There are even some cool street performers out here. "Hey Corrie, let's check that performer out, they are drawing a pretty good crowd must be good."

"Lead the way." Corrie said with a smile.

As we walked over to the crowd I started getting a really strange feeling. Like whatever was on the other side of that crowd was something I really needed to see. Corrie and I finally pushed our way through the crowd, so we could see what was so great and stopped dead in our tracks. There standing in the middle of the crowd was a young woman about my age doing a magic trick with water. Corrie and I looked at each other with complete shock and began watching very closely, because unlike the rest of the crowd we are both pretty positive that there is real magic involved in this performance.

We both just watched as the gal made the water dance in some of the most amazing forms possible. She has the crowd completely mesmerized by her display, and she has no idea the type of attention she is drawing, this could get her killed. I reached over and grabbed Corrie's hand and gave her I am sure a complete look of fear and worry. "Corrie, we have to talk to her. She has no idea what she could bring upon herself."

"I know, I can't believe they haven't found her already Kenna. I don't know how long her show is, she could still be at this for a while." Corrie said with worry in her voice.

"Maybe, most routines only last maybe a half hour I would think. If we can catch her between maybe, we have a chance of talking to her." I said.

Corrie gave me a look of doubt, "maybe Kenna, just maybe."

As Corrie and I continued to watch I started to reach out to the girl with my senses. There is more to her than what our eyes are seeing, I can feel it. In less than a heartbeat I knew, I can hear someone's thoughts! The only other person in the world I can hear their thoughts is Aidan.

"This is almost getting too easy. Keep dancing and looping."

Someone here in this area is a sibling, and I was only focusing on the performer.

"If it weren't for making this look like a magic act I could go sit on that bench and rest while I do this."

Corrie is looking at me really funny now, "Corrie someone here is related to me, I can feel it."

"Is it her Kenna?"

"I think so, but there are so many people around I can't be positive. I hope so because we have to talk to her and I don't have time to find them if it isn't her. But I don't want to lose them either."

"Well it isn't over, keep feeling. Hopefully you will be able to pinpoint if it is her for sure before her show is over."

I can't talk to whoever it is because what if it is her? I will ruin her performance. How do I find out if it is her? Oh, I got it, "Corrie I am going to mess with her performance."

"Are you sure, what if it isn't her."

"If it isn't her or if it is I should be able to pinpoint where the power is coming from if I disrupt it." Not entirely true, well maybe it is. But if it is her and I disrupt her it will show in her thoughts.

I reached out and took control of the water, it wasn't easy she is strong, but my powers are still stronger. I made the water come out over the crowd like a blanket above our head. I can see the shock in her eyes, but that is it. Her face does not give away she is no longer in control. I can feel her trying to take control back from me and...

"What in the hell! There is someone else here like me!"

I almost jumped up and down in joy, but that would give me away. I allowed her to take control of the water again and leaned over to tell Corrie.

"Kenna your eyes say it all. It is her isn't it?"

"It is!! I accidently found one of my sisters!!!" Corrie gave me a hug and we sat back and waited for the girl's performance to be over. I found another one!!! Aidan will be so excited!

Once her performance ended she seemed to be waiting for everyone to leave. Maybe she is waiting to see who stays. As the crowd continues to thin out I just keep looking at her until she locked eyes with me. And let's see how this goes, "It was me, I took control of your water." The surprise on her face that I am speaking to her in thought is apparent.

"How did you do that, and how are you able to talk to me like this? I have had some pretty weird things happen in my life but nothing like this."

"It is kind of a long story. Would you be willing to go with my friend and me somewhere to talk?" I just saw a hint of fear in her eyes. Something has happened to her before. "It can be anywhere you choose. There is a lot I would like to talk to you about. My friends name is Corrie and she can do what you can. She can manipulate water too." That seemed to surprise her even more.

"So, she is the one who messed with my show?"

"No that was me."

"Oh, so you are like me too?"

Sort of.

"What do you mean sort of?"

"Um, I can control more than just water." And there is the look of disbelief.

"No, you can't, no one can do that."

"No one but me. I can show you if you would like. Not here though, somewhere with a little more privacy."

"What you don't like an audience."

"There are reasons you won't like an audience also if you will talk with me."

"I love my audience, nothing will ever change that. But I know a place not too far from here. It is a friend's place."

"Corrie, she is going to take us to a friend of hers to talk." Corrie just gave me the strangest look.

"Kenna how do you know that?"

Oh crap, I forgot she doesn't know I can talk to my siblings. "Oh, right you don't know. Um I can communicate with my family in my head somehow."

"Really? That would be handy if we could all do it."

"Yeah it would, I have only been able to do it with Aidan and now this girl so far. So, I am guessing it is a family thing."

"Ok. Let's go then."

Corrie takes things so well. Now to see how well my sister takes more shocks.

She took us to a rundown home on what looks like a not so great part of Vegas. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Corrie and I just keep looking around and then back at each other, but what choice do I have? I can't let her continue to put herself in danger if I can help it.

"Come on in. My names Raine." she said as we walked into the house.

"Nice to meet you Raine. I'm Kenna and this is Corrie." I said. Corrie and I sat down on a couch I am pretty sure was picked up on the street or from a dump or something and Raine sat in a chair across from us that wasn't in much better shape.

"Ok so who the hell are you?" Raine asked abruptly as she sat down.

On the way over Corrie and I decided that I would be the one to tell Raine everything. "I am your sister."

Raine scoffed at me, "bullshit, I don't have any family."

Kinda what I expected. "I didn't think I had any besides my Granny until recently either."

"And you what expect me to just believe you at your word?" Raine said with apparent doubt in her voice.

"No, I have a pretty good story to tell you and after that you can make your own decision." I would say Raine didn't have the greatest life so far.

I figured starting from the beginning for me was the best way to go. So, I told her about Granny, our mother and father, that there are five of us and the trunk of information I found in the attic of my house, about it all. I told her how my life had changed and that I had also found one of our brothers.

"That is a pretty wild story. Still there isn't any proof. Why should I believe you?" Raine said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Well isn't my sis a little bit of a cynic. "Back at our hotel I have a folder with some of the information. There is a letter our mother wrote to us all, the court document stating Granny could only take one of us and some other information that might help you to believe me."

"So now you want me to go to your hotel?" Raine said with a sneer.

"Actually I don't." Corrie gave me a funny look, but I would rather be safe than sorry. "One of our group has been acting pretty strangely lately and I don't think him seeing you is a good idea just yet." Corrie shook her head in agreement.

"Acting funny, what do you mean. It sounds like you might be afraid of him." Raine said with interest.

"Not of him exactly, but I haven't told you the entire story yet. I figured if believing what I have already told you is hard you really may not believe the rest."

"Now you sound all dooms day, what are people out to get us or something." Corrie and I exchanged a knowing look and, "Oh my GOD there are people out to get us?!" Raine practically shouted.

"There are." I said calmly.

"That's it, that's all I get is there are."

"Fine I will tell you, but this is where the audience is a very bad idea. There is a group known as the Restorers and their goal is to eradicate our kind from this world."

"And how exactly are they supposed to do that?"

"They kill everyone that is like us. Right now, I am their main focus, but as they find others they eliminate them as well or use them to capture and eliminate others."

"Why are you their main focus?"

"Because the entire line stems from our family. As time has passed the powers have gotten weaker the further from the main bloodline someone is, but it all comes from our family."

"If the power gets weaker how come my water power is so strong, and yours is stronger than mine or you wouldn't have been able to take control back on the show."

"Oh, another part of our wonderful family history. I told you I can control more than water. I have the power of fire, water, air and earth. It is my responsibility to continue the bloodline. Our direct family line is still as strong now as it was originally. But if you have children their power will be weaker and continue through the generations to get weaker until it is gone. My direct descendants won't be weaker."


"We are born in fives. Since the beginning of the power there has been one child that carries all four elements. When that child conceives they have one pregnancy with five children. Whomever carries all four elements will have one pregnancy with five children."

"So, the one with all four powers is always a girl, to carry on the bloodline?" Raine ask with curiosity.

"No actually, our father was the one. But even with him our mother only had one pregnancy. But that is why the Restorers want me dead. If they can kill me before I have children, the bloodline will eventually fade out. Well they are also hoping that if they kill me the power will just magically disappear from everyone, but that isn't very likely."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because our powers are a part of the makeup of our soul, you can't take the power away without destroying a part of the soul."

"Oh ok, that seems even stranger. Who told you that?"

"The lord of water."

"The lord of what? So now you talk to the Gods?"

"Sometimes, would you like to meet him?'

"Oh yeah sure, why don't you just call him up."

I know she is being sarcastic, but if Nereus is available this might help make her believe. And all three of us have water power so we can all see him, if he wants us to. "Nereus? I found one of my sisters!!"

"I know, you found the water."

"How did you know?"

"I am hardly ever very far from you Kenna, you need all the help you can get with what is to come."

Really don't want to think about that right now. "Ya ya whatever, any chance you feel like making an appearance? For all three of us?"

"You want your friend to see me also?"

"She is a water also, and it makes us look less crazy if everyone can see you."

"Very well." And with that he appeared standing right next to me.

Both girls about jumped out of their skin and look like they have seen a ghost. Hopefully neither of them peed their pants. "Gals this is Nereus, he is the Lord of water. The water power comes from him."

"It is nice to meet you both," and Nereus executed what I am pretty sure was a proper king's court type bow. He even took each of their hands in turn and kissed them.

"Nice, nice to meet you sure." Corrie stammered as she did a slight curtsy and sat back down.

I think if she hadn't sat she may have fallen over.

"Your, your, your real?" Raine managed to get out.

"That I am dear. And just to help speed things along, what Kenna is telling you is the truth." Nereus said.

Nereus thank you, maybe once Raine can breathe normally again she will truly believe what I have told her. I said to Nereus in our heads.

You're welcome child. Nereus responded.

"Raine you asked me to call him up. He was close enough he graciously stopped by." I said.

"It's real, everything you said is real. I have a family out there." Raine said to me with a look of wonder and fear in her eyes.

"It is Raine, I am so sorry it took so long to find this out." I said even though it really wasn't my fault.

"Your voice, I know your voice." Raine said to Nereus as she stared at him.

"I have spoken to you before, in times of need." Nereus said to Raine.

"You are the voice in my head." Raine said with awe. "But why haven't you even let me see you before? Part of me always thought I was a little crazy."

"This is a more recent development. As a common practice I have not let anyone on this world see me for a very long time. That is until I appeared to Kenna." Nereus said.

"Why? And why her?" Raine said as she gave me a look that could kill.

Hell, this isn't my fault! I didn't ask for this or ask them to start appearing for me. Oh well I have asked for them to appear for me, but not the first time I saw them!

"Because she is the one, she is the most powerful of all of you." Nereus said with complete nonchalance.

Man, my sister is going to hate me when this little talk is over.

"What do you mean she is the ONE? Why is she so special?" Raine's replies are becoming more and more heated.

"Child if you stay calm I can help you to understand, but I will not remain if you continue to get upset. None of you have chosen who you are. Kenna especially." Raine looked to be about to butt in and interrupt Nereus. "Stop!" Nereus shouted at Raine. "Child how long have you had your powers? How long have you been developing them?"

Raine looked Nereus up and down as if to take measure of him and replied, "for as long as I can remember. That is why I was never in one home for very long. She had a home! A loving home from the sounds of it!"

"That she did, but not by her choice! We trapped her powers within her. She had them as a very small child, but to keep her safe we in essence put them in a box within her. It has been within the last year that she has discovered all of this about herself. So, tell me, how would you have handled what she went through? The only person in the world who knew what she was died without telling her a thing, then she had to discover it all on her own without anyone. Not only has she had to learn to control the water within her she also has to control air, fire and earth! And the entire fate of the continuation of this bloodline rest on her shoulders. So please tell me what reason you have to be mad at her and blame her for everything that went wrong in your life? Her path was not chosen by her any more than yours was chosen by you!" Nereus said to Raine as he backed her into a corner of the room.

Looking over at Corrie she is as white as a ghost, great first impression on her Nereus.

"Nereus, thank you for the defense, but she has a right to her own emotions. Even if you think they are uncalled for, it is not for you to say." I said as I placed my hand on his arm. "I really don't want my sister to hate me from the get go Nereus. Her life was hard from the looks of it and mine has only recently become hard."

"But your road will be so much harder than hers has been." Nereus said wot me with what looked like worry in his eyes, but it was gone in a flash, so I can't be sure.

"I understand that, but I thought I would need her in this fight to come. Making her hate me isn't going to help me with that."

"You are right." Nereus backed off and stood back over by the couch, "I am sorry Raine."

Ha ha, how did that feel on your tongue Nereus? I thought and hopefully on to myself.

"Kenna is correct, I am here to help you understand who you are and who she is. Not berate you for your bad judgement." Nereus said while trying to look less intimidating.

It just made me want to laugh. If Raine could see Aedus, he is intimidating, I know Nereus is extremely powerful, but to me he is more human than the others. Of course, I don't have a lot of experience with the other besides Aedus and he is an ass hole.

"Excuse me! I am a what?!" Really right now Aedus wants to talk to me.

"Stop eavesdropping on my thoughts. You are an ass. I am busy go away, Please."

"Oh, I bet that word felt like tar on your tongue."

"Please Aedus."


I swear these guys are going to drive me to drinking.

"Raine it has been a long day. And you have a lot to process. If you want, here is the number you can reach me at. All I ask is please be careful. The Restorers are real and how they haven't found you get is beyond me but trust me they will someday if you continue with your shows. They think we are abominations against God and don't have the right to exist. So just be careful please." Raine barely looked at me as Corrie and I stood to walk out the door. "Nereus I think she has had enough for now. Thank you for trying to help me." And with that he just disappeared. Wouldn't that be a nice talent, I really wish I could just disappear and find peace somewhere.