Chapter 14

Jake and Edward came back into the room a little while later with some folders. They sat down and Jake handed a folder to me and Corrie. "Here is the information we have on everyone we rescued yesterday. Not including Emma, we have 15 more people that came out of that mansion yesterday."

Corrie and I looked at each other and I turned back to Jake and Edward, "that makes sense. There were 16 rooms where they had Emma, so they had someone in all the rooms." I looked down and opened my folder.

The only page in the folder had a list of 15 people with their genders and ages, but only one had a name. The one that caught my eye was the 6-year-old little girl named Grace. I looked up at Jake in shock, "they had a six-year-old!"

"Yes Kenna, and from what we gathered, they have killed both of her parents." Jake sighed, "but most of them are not talking, so we don't know who has abilities and who doesn't. Or anything really. They are scared and don't trust us."

Corrie spoke up, "are they being held down here too?"

Jake nodded in affirmation.

"Then they have gone from one prison to another." Corrie spit out.

I reached over and grabbed Corrie's arm, "we will fix this. Jake let's get started then, bring Grace first please."

They all waited and one of Edward's men brought in a very frightened little girl. I got up from my seat and went up to Grace and squatted down in from of her. "Hi Grace, mine name is Kenna. How are you feeling?"

Grace looked up into my eyes and I saw, in those eyes way more than any six year old should ever have to know. I couldn't help it, I reached out and enveloped Grace in a hug, "Oh Grace I am so sorry, I promise I will do everything I can to keep you safe."

Grace hesitated at first, but then wrapped her arms around me in a gut-wrenching hug. She was clinging to me for dear life and started crying. I just held her as she cried and cried. Eventually Grace fell asleep in my arms. I turned back to the room, "she is one of us. She has Air within her. She is staying with us."

Corrie nodded her head in agreement, but Jake shook his head and said, "Kenna, we can't take them all. How will we protect her?"

I gave Jake a death glare, "Jake she is in danger no matter what because of what she is. What would you have me do, put her in foster care?"

"Kenna she may still have family out there looking for her." Jake reasoned.

"You are right Jake, but her own family puts her in danger. Even if they know about her, the Restorers know about her too, being around any of her family puts herself and her family in danger."

"Kenna we can't keep her safe!" Jake angrily barked.

I reached over and took Jake's hand, and quietly said, "Jake I won't be able to save them all, but I am going to save the ones I can. Grace is going with us, and I am going to entrust her care to Aidan's parents. I know they will do their very best to keep her safe."

I could tell Jake was trying to figure out a loophole, but finally agreed, "fine, she can go with us to Edwards Island."

"Thank you, Jake." I said as I got up and sat back down with Grace asleep in my lap. "Onto the next one." I smiled cheekily.

It took a few hours, but we got through the rest of the list. I was able to determine that only three more of the people they had rescued had any abilities. Though the others without abilities still were not talking because they didn't trust me, and who could blame them, I knew they didn't have powers so Edward had his men give each of them a ride to the airport and money for plane fair to where ever they needed to go.

I thought I had a way to get through to the other three but was skeptical. The other three all had different abilities. There was a female, that the sheet said her age was around forty-five that had earth abilities, a young male teen with fire and a grandpa with air. I looked at Jake, Edward and Corrie and said, "I have an idea on how to get the other three to open up to me, but I don't know if it will work."

"What is your idea?" Jake asked.

"I am going to ask the lords for help." I stated plainly.

Corrie nodded in agreement, "Honestly that is probably the best shot we have."

Jake sat quietly for a minute then said, "Kenna you know this is something I have to take on faith, but I trust you."

Edward looked at me with skepticism. "What lords?"

I looked Edward right in the eye and said, "The elemental lords Edward."

Edward scoffed, "you truly believe there are elemental lords out there?"

I smiled a knowing smile, "I absolutely do. But like you I have never met Auria, lord of Air or even Dagan, the lord of Earth."

"You're saying you have met the lords of Fire and Water then?" Edward said with sarcasm. "Alright let's see them then."

I shook her head. "I am afraid you can't. The only lord you may be able to see is Auria and like I said, I have never met him." I turned back to Jake, "I need to talk to Aedus, he should be able to help me with the teen and I guess I will go from there."

Edward kept refuting my claims, but Jake just ushered him out of the room with a what can it hurt statements. Edward shook his head and left the room with Jake. Corrie turned to me, "do you want me to stay?"

"No," I said as I shook my head, "I think it would be best if I did it by myself."

"Ok," Corrie said as she got up and left the room.

I closed my eyes and reached inside myself, "Aedus, can I speak with you, please?" I knew sugar rather than vinegar was best when trying to deal with Aedus. I quietly waited a few minutes and then in the chair to my right Aedus appeared.

"What is on your mind child?" Aedus asked.

I cringed inside at his habit of calling me child, but now was not the time to get into that with him. "I need your help again."

Aedus took a deep breath and said, "I see."

I smiled at him, "Aedus, I know you know what is going on here. If nothing else, you are always all informed."

He smiled at me, "I do. You believe I can help you convince this young boy that you are on his side."

"So will you?" I questioned.

Aedus smiled at me again, "for you I will."

I look at him skeptically, "why are you being, um well nice?"

"I am not always mean Kenna; I can be nice. You happened to catch me on a good day." Aedus said with a smile.

"Ok," I said with doubt, "I have another favor."

Aedus looked at me expectantly.

"I need your brothers too." I said.

"Why do you need my help with that?" Aedus asked incredulously.

"Because I only know you and Nereus." I threw out.

"Ah, you already know you can call them yourself, so the only conclusion I can draw is you want a familiar face there for the introductions." He said with mischief.

I rolled her eyes, "Yes if you must know. I would have asked Nereus, but I do not need his help today and you I do."

"So, I am your second choice?" Aedus said with spite.

"Aedus please. I do try my best to keep you all out of this craziness, I call my life, but I need your help today and your here." I stated.

"Fine," he huffed. "You call them I will be here for the introductions."

"Do you think they will come if I ask?" I asked nervously.

"Trust me Kenna, they will come. They have been waiting for a chance to meet you." Aedus told me sincerely.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. "Um Auria, Dagan, this is Kenna. Could you both please come meet with me? I have something I would like to ask you both."

When I finished, I opened my eyes and looked to Aedus. He nodded his head but also said. "You do know you don't have to close your eyes. We are all fairly easy for you to get in touch with."

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled, "It is just easier for me to focus that way. I will try and refrain in the future."

Suddenly two more men were sitting at the table with me and Aedus. I almost jumped out my chair but managed to hold it together. To me it was easy to pick out who was who, Auria had long flowing blonde almost white hair that seemed to be constantly blowing in the wind, was clean shaven, he had more of an athletic runners build to him, tall and willowy, and I could smell what I would describe a summer breeze coming from his direction. Dagan on the other hand had dark brown, like dark chocolate, colored hair that was crew cut with a full beard neatly trimmed and was built like what I would imagine Paul Bunyan was built like.

I cleared her throat, "Thank you both for coming."

Dagan smile, "nonsense Kenna, we are always near if you have need of us."

"Thank you, Dagan. I need both your help to see if I can convince two people with your abilities that I can be trusted. But you probably already knew that." I replied.

Dagan laughed, "we did."

Auria looked to me and said, "this is the least we can do. Your trials have barely begun and anything we can do to help you is acceptable."

Aedus sat forward in his chair, "Yeah Kenna, they mean them when they say we. I will help you as I can, but I am not at your beck and call."

I smiled at Aedus, "I know, we already had that discussion."

Auria looked to Aedus and then back to me, "Kenna no matter what my brother says, he will come anytime you call. At least until our line is secured."

Aedus slammed his fist down on the table so hard he left a dent. "Do not tell me what I will do brother!" he shouted.

I pushed my chair back because Aedus was scaring me, and I didn't want to be between these two if something more happened. But I knew in my heart Aedus would never do anything to truly harm me. I took a minute, then scooted my chair back to the table. "Please don't, I have had a really rough couple of days and didn't ask you all here to cause a fight between you all. It would actually work better if you each came as I called you when the person with your abilities is here with me. Would that be, ok?" I asked them all.

They all agreed and just disappeared, thank God. I knew they were still there somewhere, but no longer physically in the room with me. I laid my head in my hands and took a deep breath. When had this become my life. Jake walked back in a few minutes later. "I am guessing they have all gone then?" he asked me.

"They have." I looked up at Jake and then a look of complete mortification crossed my face. "Oh, shit Jake, I didn't let Aidan know I was ok!"

"Don't worry Kenna he knows." Jake said. "You can call him now if you would like."

I just gave Jake a wry smile, "you know I don't need to."

Jake nodded, "do you want to continue or wait until tomorrow?"

"No, I want this done today. Give me a little more time and we will get this over with." I replied.

"Alright," Jake said as he walked back out the door.

I laid my head down on the table again, closed my eyes and contacted my brother and sister.. "Aidan, Raine, can you hear me?"

I received a unanimous yes from them both. "Is everyone ok?" Iasked

"Everyone is fine Kenna." Aidan said.

Raine followed up with, "Kenna how are you? Jake told Aidan about your friend Dane. Are you doing, ok?"

I let one tear fall down my cheek. I may not have known Raine long, but we are sister to the core. "No, but I will be. Sorry I didn't let you guys know sooner Corrie and I were ok."

"Don't worry about that." Aidan said. "You sound tired Kenna."

"Been a long few days. Thanks for being so tactful." I said with a smile. "I need to talk to you about something else Aidan. Another thing that has come up."

"What is it?" Aidan asked.

"We rescued a little girl yesterday. Her name is Grace. She is an air elemental. I told Jake she is coming with us when we leave and I kinda volunteered your parents to be her guardians." I quickly said.

Aidan laughed in my head, "Don't worry, I am sure my parents would love to do that."

"Thank you, Aidan. I need to go, have more things to get done before we can head your way. I love you guys." I added.

Both Raine and Aidan said I Love you back and then were gone. I opened my eyes and waited, knowing Jake would return with one of the elementals soon.

The first one Jake brought in was the older gentleman, Edward and Jake, both joined me again. But Jake told me Corrie was busy upstairs. I nodded my head in agreement and asked the gentleman to take a seat. Jake sat the man directly across from me with himself and Edward on either side of him. I had to laugh a little, those two were just trying to keep me safe. "Guys we are trying to get him to trust us, not feel like we are bullies."

Jake just looked at me sternly, "you can try, but I am not taking any chances of anyone being able to hurt you."

"Ok," I agreed, I didn't want to waste time fighting about his. I looked to the gentleman and said. "I know you don't want to give us any information, and after what I assume you have been through, I can understand that."

"Young lady, I have already been through this with these two, and I am not telling you anything!" The man exclaimed.

"Like I said, I understand." I continued as if he hadn't just interrupted me. "I know you can manipulate air."

The gentleman looked at me in shock, "yes, I know what you are. I was hoping it would be a little easier to get at least your name from you, but some more unknown people come into your life and expect you to trust them without a reason too. Why would you answer any of our questions, we did just save you from the Restorers, but now you are locked back in a room and don't know what we want from you."

The man shook his head in agreement with my statement.

I just continued. "My friend here," I pointed to Jake, "is not going to like this, but there is little that can be done about it. My name is Kenna and I also have the ability to manipulate air, but unlike you I can also create air. Of course, that is an ability that is pretty hard to prove unless you're in a situation that you are really needing air, but I can. I can also manipulate and create fire, water, and earth."

The gentleman continued to look at me with skepticism, but I ignored him and created a flame in my left hand and created a sphere of water in my right, and the look of skepticism vanished. He looked to both men sitting behind him and looked back to me. He took a minute and then replied, "That is supposed to prove to me what exactly? There is amazing technology out there today, that could all be a trick." And the look of skepticism was back.

I just signed in reaction. "Auria, can you please join us?" I asked.

Edward and the older gentleman looked at me funnily and looked to the door for someone else to enter. But when Auria appeared directly to my right, comfortably sitting in a chair, Edward jumped up from his seat and backed up to the wall and the older gentleman turned white.

Jake just looked at me and said with a smile, "I take it we have a lord joining us now?"

I looked at Jake with a smile, "yeah. I know you can't see him, but the Lord of Air has joined us." I turned to Auria, "Thank you."

"Of course," Auria replied. He looked to Edward first and addressed him, "You should believe everything this young lady tells you. After everything you have seen and the things you have been able to do even when you thought there were no others like you, you should be less skeptical. Where did you truly believe your powers came from?"

Edward stammered, "I just figured it was a genetic abnormality."

"In a way it is," Auria replied, "but your powers came from me, well through my decedents. Which you are one of."

Edward looked to me, "I am sorry, I should have believed you."

I just nodded, "thank you Edward, but I do understand. I had no idea these guys even existed," I pointed her thumb at Auria, "for most of my life."

Auria turned to the older gentleman, "you have had a hard life, but you have made it further than most." He turned to me, "Kenna this is Tony."

Tony sat up surprised and said, "I am sorry, but what proof do I have you are the Lord of Air. I have had this power my entire life and never met you."

"You will not like this answer, but I am not here because of you. I am here because of her. Your line is diluted enough that I would hardly recognize you as one of my own unless we were in the same vicinity. And my brothers and I don't come to just anyone, as a matter of fact, this is the first time I have come back to your world in a very long time." Auria said matter of factly.

Then Auria reached a hand out to Tony's chest and pulled his hand back to himself closing his fist. Tony almost collapsed in on himself and started coughing. "You took it, it is gone!" Tony said in shock scratching at his chest.

I looked to Auria in worry. "Auria, did you just take his air?"

Auria replied never looking away from Tony, "I did, it is the fastest way to make a point."

Auria opened his fist and I watch as Tony seemed to come back to life.

"Ok, ok, you are the lord of Air." Tony gasped, "That felt like you took part of me with the air inside me."

"I did," Auria replied. "Your air is connected to your soul, to lose it is to lose part of your soul."

"Why are you here now?" was all Tony replied.

"Because I was asked by my direct descendent for help." Auria replied as if that was a given and looked to me.

Tony looked at Auria in horror, "so you don't take an interest in the rest of your bloodline, what because we are too diluted?"

Auria shrugged his shoulders, "if that is how you wish to see this so be it, but my helping Kenna will ultimately help the rest of you out as well."

I decided that Tony getting into an argument with Auria wasn't going to help anyone out, so I stepped in, "At this point that is all irrelevant. I asked Auria here to help convince you of who I am and that I don't wish you any harm. If you choose to believe me that is up to you.

I turned to Auria, "Thank you for coming. I truly appreciate it."

"You are welcome, Kenna," and with that Auria just disappeared.

Tony looked at me with curiosity now, "so what because the Lord of Air chose to speak to me, I am supposed to what? Just jump on your band wagon without knowing anything."

I started rubbing my temples, I just needed to get through this. "Tony, I am trying to keep the people I love safe and at the same time be fair to the people the Restorers have hurt. I don't trust you and you don't trust me. You don't know me and the same goes for me to you. I cannot let you hurt the people I love, and I have seen the Restorers brainwash others of our kind to believe we are evil."

Tony looked at me with scorn, "so what you going to have me killed?"

I looked down at the table to gather my thoughts, who knows what this man has seen in his life, but I can't keep wasting time. "Tony I am not a monster; I am not the Restorers. I have no idea if you have people out in the world looking for you or if you are all alone. But I can't continue to waste time trying to convince you." I looked to Edward, "Edward, what I believe would be best is to allow Tony to leave if he so chooses, of course keeping yourself as protected as possible or if Tony chooses not to leave he has to earn your trust before he can earn mine."

Edward nodded to me, "That would be fine."

I turned back to Tony, "Tony the choice is yours. If you want to leave, I completely understand. If you choose to stay, there will come a point where you may be asked to fight against the Restorers. Not soon of course, you would have to earn our trust, but someday."

Tony looked at me questioningly, "you would just let me leave?"

"Or course, Edward can take care of himself and you won't have any idea where we are going so you wouldn't be able to hurt us, I told you I am not a monster." I confirmed.

Tony sat in reflection for a bit, "and you are going to lead a fight against the Restorers?"

I chuckled, "Tony it would appear that it is my destiny to do so. At least that is what the Lords have told me."

Tony nodded and looked down at his hands. "I would like to stay, I have no one left in the world that the Restorers haven't taken from me."

I nodded in understanding, "Well Tony, let's start over." I reached my hand out to Tony. "Hi, my name is Kenna, the direct bloodline of the Elementals."

Tony smiled and took my hand, "Nice to meet you Kenna, my name is Tony Romano, captive of the Restorers for longer than I can remember. Air elemental and the only survivor of my family."

I squeezed Tony's hand, "Nice to meet you too Tony." I looked back to Edward, "Edward I will let you move forward from here."

Edward stood and asked Tony to join him, then he looked to me, "I don't believe you will need me for the other two. If the outcome is the same just let me know."

"I will, thanks Edward." I agreed.

"You're welcome," Edward said as he ushered Tony and himself out the door.

Jake looked at me with alarm after they walked out, "Kenna is that true?"

"Sorry, is what true?" I mumbled.

"You're going to fight the Restorers?" Jake questioned.

"That is my destiny. I have been told that this fight will end with me, no matter the outcome." I informed Jake.

"No matter the outcome? You mean you may die?" Jake asked.

"Jake a lot of us may die, but it is time to stop running." I looked earnestly into Jake's eyes.

Jake sat stubbornly looking at me for a few minutes, then he finally broke, "ok, this is your life, and I won't try to keep you locked away. I will actually listen, and we will work hard to make sure as many of our people survive as possible."

"Thank you, Jake. I have a feeling we are all going to need to be together on this for us to come out on top." I quietly replied, "I guess we should continue."

"Yes," Jake said, "only two more."

The other two were much like Tony, they didn't want to believe but did once I asked the Lord of their power to join us. I discovered that the Earth elemental was a Rita Patel that had no remaining family and also wished to stay. The teen fire elemental was a Brian Richardson who chose to leave. He had only been captured a month ago and wanted to return to his family. I agreed that was fine, but he needed to get to his family and get everyone somewhere safe. The Restorers already knew who he was, his family isn't safe where they are at, and he agreed.

When it was all done I was exhausted, I hoped everything worked out and Tony and Rita were actually going to be a help, but my greatest hope was that Brian was able to get to his family and get them safe, but I had a feeling I would be seeing Brian again. I told Jake we would all regroup this evening to decide when we were going to head to the island.

That evening Edward, Jake, myself & Corrie just had a nice quiet dinner in the Kitchen. Most of my group was already on Edward's island, so Jake, Corrie and I just have to get there.

After I finished eating I looked at Edward, "Thank you Edward, you have been a great help. I don't know what would have happened if Jake hadn't come to you."

"It was my pleasure, Kenna." was Edwards simple reply.

I turned to Jake and Corrie, "I suppose we should head out first thing in the morning."

Jake nodded agreement as he swallowed a bite of food, "Already have it worked out with Edward's pilot. We fly out mid-morning tomorrow."

"It will be good to have everyone back together again." I confessed.

"Yeah, as long as no one tries to lock me up again," Corrie said pointedly at Jake.

"Hey, in my defense, one of you guys did almost get the rest of you killed and is the reason one of you did get killed." Jake shot back.

It instantly made the mood somber again while everyone reflected on the loss of Dane. "Ok Jake you were right, but Rick was never locked up, was he? No, he wasn't, so Corrie still has a point." I finally replied. "What is done is done, all we can do is move on."

"Kenna your right," Jake said and turned to Corrie, "I am sorry for what it is worth Corrie, I do believe you are a great addition to our team."

"Thanks Jake, all is forgiven." Corrie said with a smile.

Everyone finished in companionable silence and spent the rest of the evening making sure they were all individually ready to head out in the morning.