Knowing that Grant wanted to begin their training immediately, Richard seemed raring to go the moment the topic came up but Robin seemed to be apprehensive about continuing.
"Robin, if you are not ready to continue, you can stay here with your mother and I will have Richard assist you at some point in the future.
In the mean time, you should use some of your Random Rolls so you can acquire some new items before you continue your training.
The same goes for you Richard. I cannot continue to lend you my items especially since I will be leaving for a short time and you will be responsible for keeping your mother and sister safe while I am not here.
You have 15 minutes and then we will be leaving."
While the two were rolling for items Grant decided to finally talk to Sherlock about the topic that had been on his mind since he left Walmart.
[Sherlock, can you tell me anything about Skit and what he could possibly want? And how the hell did a monster that is nearly tier 2 manage to make it here already? I thought you said that it would take time for stronger monsters to begin to pass through the passageways created by the dungeon cores?]
{It is impossible to tell what the skeleton known as Skit could want. There are likely two possibilities for him inviting you to the dungeon.
The first, he is luring you to the dungeon to kill you since your strength far exceeds anyone on Earth at the moment and the dormant mana within your body is without a doubt very dense at this point and would benefit the dungeon core immensely.
The second possibility is that he wants something from you personally. That can mean a plethora of different things though. He may have need of your assistance for something or he wants to establish relations with you so they can reap the rewards when you grow stronger.}
[Okay, so basically its a flip of a coin whether I am going to die or reap some kind of reward? I guess the odds could be worse...
So tell me, how is he even hear on Earth?]
{His ability to traverse to this planet so early after it's addition to The Path is probably related to his own Path. He likely has immense control over mana which allows him to control the amount that he stores within his body.
If he managed to find a way to expel all mana from his body, as well as control the amount his body can store, it is likely that The Path interpreted him as a weak monster.
There are many things unknown even to me, so I can not answer with one hundred percent certainty.}
[Sometimes I wonder what purpose you even serve Sherlock. You guide me nowhere and give me nothing...
Your answers always seem to be conjecture without ever providing definitive answers...]
{Perhaps you are just asking the wrong questions?}
Grant knew that arguing with Sherlock would be a futile endeavor so he just left it at that and focused on the kids while they used their Random Rolls.
Bright lights continued to flash one after the other as a pile of items started to mount in front of the two. At one point, Grant saw a bright orange package drop onto Robin's pile which was followed by an excited yelp. He knew exactly what the item was because he was currently wearing his own, but he couldn't believe that The Path would give out duplicate items.
However, after he considered the sheer amount of humans on earth and the innumerable amount of other species scattered across other planets with The Path, it didn't seem entirely impossible for duplicates to exist.
Robin managed to refrain herself from jumping at her pile of items until the light from her last roll faded away. Without even looking at the other items in her pile though, she jumped over to the orange set of clothes and put them on. Once she had the jacket and pants on, she turned and looked at Grant with the most triumphant look on her face, as if she had just won the lottery or something.
"I did it Mr Carrot! I got my own tracksuit!" and before Grant could even respond, she ran over to him, stood stiff as a board, and gave him a salute before yelling, "Mini Carrot reporting for duty!"
Grant laughed at her little routine but returned the salute and, "Acknowledged! Return to your loot and sort through it before we can continue!"
After her little routine, Robin ran back to her pile giggling hysterically before she started to sort through her stuff.
While sorting her stuff, she paused and pulled a small bow out of the pile. It seemed to scale perfectly with her size. The grip of the bow was matte black just like the blade of Wet Noodle but the upper and lower limbs of the bow were both a bright yellow color. The string on the bow was twinkling like a star in the night sky. Occasionally it would twinkle ever so slightly letting out small flashes of light.
Grant couldn't help but stare at the bow because of how amazing it looked.
Grant asked if he could hold the bow for a minute because he wanted to see what the stats were for it and he was surprised by what he saw.
{Weapon: Short Bow
Name: Thousand Stars
Grade: Epic
This bow generates its own arrows when being fired. Arrows generated from this bow are capable of piercing all enemies at and below level 25. The bow can fire one thousand arrows before needing to be recharged by the light of a star. Agility +50 and Stamina + 20 while equipped.}
For the first time in his life, Grant was jealous of a kid. He wasn't necessarily jealous of the weapon itself, he was jealous of Robin's ability to roll such a good item. He considered asking her if he could use it but since he had no experience with a bow, he decided to give up on the idea.
The extra stats provided by the weapon were also very tempting since it would increase his already high agility by another third of his current stats.
"This is a wonderful weapon for you Robin. It will allow you to stay out of danger and it also does not require you to carry your own arrows. Keep it safe and don't let anyone other than those you trust to hold it or they will most certainly steal it from you."
"Yes sir!" followed by another cute salute was all she gave in response before going back to her items and sorting through the rest of them. She managed to get a few more items that added to her stats slightly such as a pair of gloves and a pair of shoes but the rest of the items were just useless every day items or niche items that didn't serve much of a purpose. Robin actually managed to get a normal grade spoon from her rolls. Grant didn't even know what to think of that but he figured since it was called Random Rolls it wasn't surprising to find useless items.
Richard didn't have as good a luck as Robin, but he did manage to get two new rare items.
{Weapon: Warhammer
Name: Peacekeeper Hammer
Grade: Rare
Once per day, the user can activate Weapon Specific Skill: Hammer Fall. Hammer Fall increases the users strength by +100 mid swing and stays active until the weapon makes contact with a target. Strength +35 and Stamina + 15}
{Armor: Chest Plate
Name: Iron Batteplate
Grade: Rare
Protects the user from attacks from all monsters at or below level 20. Strength +15, Health +15, and Stamina + 15}
Richard got fairly lucky in another sense when it came to his loot because he managed to find arm guards, leg armor, and boots all of normal quality. But since he was wearing basic clothing at the moment, it was a bonus to have extra protection on his extremities.
The rest of his items were just useless items like the Robin's. Since they couldn't find any reason to carry the other items with them, they stored them in a corner of the room and
Grant was amazed at the luck of his group. He had managed to roll two Rare items from his two Random Rolls and now out of the 20 total rolls of the kids, they had managed to pull one epic and three rare items.
After sorting through all of their items, Richard and Robin stored all of their useless items in crates that they had set up at the base of their cots, like they did in the military.
When they were done packing, Grant noticed that Robin was all geared up and looked ready for a fight. Seeing that she seemed poised to go out to train with them, he didn't even question her on her intentions and just walked towards the door.
"If you guys are ready to go, lets go. If you need more time to rest and recover, stay here. We will not stop until sundown, so be ready to go non stop until then."