Savior From Below

Seeing the three new arrivals, Grant didn't hesitate to charge at the last two remaining coyotes from the first group and activate Frenzy of Time for a second time.

Grant managed to make quick work of them but since the radius of skill was only so large, time flowed normally for the new arrivals and they reached him by the time his skill deactivated.

With the bodies of the four now dead coyotes laying around him, the three new arrivals were visibly burning with rage. Their auras were skyrocketing under the influence of their emotions which made them all the more intimidating.

Since Dragon's Roar was mere seconds away from ending, Grant didn't know how he was going to deal with the situation.

Although his movements and fighting ability were much stronger than they used to be, even with the experience from the first pack of coyote's, he had only managed to reach level 30.

He hadn't gained enough mana to activate his Frenzy of Time a third time either, so when his boost to stats faded away, the odds would tip in favor of the monsters.

And sure enough, a few seconds later the boost faded away and the advantage he held faded with it.

Since there were only three enemies, Grant positioned himself so that they couldn't get behind him, that way he could reduce at least some of the burden on himself.

As with the first group, the three attacked him simultaneously from three different directions to cut off his movement.

Grant knew he had only two options, flee or fight. He wasn't confident that he would be able to escape the coyote's because without Dragon's Roar, they were clearly faster than him at a full sprint, so that left only one option in the end. Fight.

Knowing that he had no choice, Grant actively stepped into the middle of the three coyote's and swung his blade around in a whirlwind motion to try and deflect as many swipes and bites as he could.

He managed to stop the first two from reaching him, but the third coyote's paw managed to make it through and scratch his back, drawing blood. The cut wasn't terribly deep but it was enough to make Grant wince in pain.

Thankfully his health stat was insanely high so the blood almost immediately stopped flowing and the pain dissipated just as quickly.

Since he didn't have a moment to spare, Grant had to swallow the pain and fight on. Instead of waiting for the coyote's to attack, this time he took the initiative to attack one of them first.

The coyote managed to dodge the backhand swing of his blade but it was not able to dodge the fist the followed closely behind and it was sent flying a few feet away.

Grant tried to immediately turn around and parry the attacks of the other two, which he sensed through his passive skill and training. But once again, he was only able to stop the first few swipes before one managed to get through.

In this way, the fight went back and forth for a few minutes before Grant realized he was truly in a do or die situation and things couldn't continue the way they were going.

On the next round of attacks, Grant managed to punch one of the coyote's away yet again which gave him a chance to parry the attacks from the second Coyote. Unlike the last few exchanges though, he didn't even attempt to block the third coyote's attack that was coming from his back.

Grant did his best to turn and face the third coyote head on before it's attack could land. Although he managed to get his body rotated around, the coyotes jaw was already inches away from biting down on his windpipe and killing him.

Before it had the chance to clamp down though, Grant activated his last trump card.

"Divine Protection!"

A golden barrier spread out the moment the first syllable left his mouth, almost as if the armor had been planning to activate the skill even without his direction.

The jaw of the coyote clamped down on the barrier but was unable to penetrate it so Grant took the opportunity to stab at the coyote from below with his sword.

The sword found its target and protruded from the coyotes back as if it was a piece of meat on a shish kabob.

{Congratulations on killing Alpha Furry Tomb Wolf - Assassin Level 35.

You have reached level 33.

Gained six status points to be distributed freely.

You have absorbed +21 Strength, +48 Agility, +27 Health, +39 Stamina and +41 Mana.

You have gained +100 Credits and 2 Random Rolls for successfully leveling up.}

Before Grant even had the opportunity to pull his sword free from the coyote's body, he could already feel the other two attacking him, so he had no choice but to drop his sword and fight bare handed.

With no more trump cards at his disposal and without a weapon in hand, Grant did his best to defend against the two coyotes. Although they were faster than him, he was much stronger and sturdier, so although they managed to continuously rip out small chunks of his flesh, they were unable to take him down in one killing stroke.

They went back and forth for another ten minutes before the exhaustion finally started to get the better of Grant. The coyotes were starting to land more and more strikes as time went on and that only exacerbated his exhaustion.

Grant knew it was too late to even attempt to flee so he would be forced to fight these coyote's to the death. He searched desperately for a solution to his problems but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't come up with a way to end the fight.

As the blood loss and exhaustion were about to claim his consciousness, Grant heard the unmistakable sounds of bones smacking against each other.

"That was splendid. Out matched you managed to kill 6 Enlightened Tier monsters alone before reaching the end of your rope. You humans are truly fascinating. Well, maybe it's just you who is fascinating, Grant."

Knowing Skit was there and was unlikely to let him die, Grant fell unconscious and fell flat on the ground.

Skit just looked at him and clicked his non existent tongue to express his annoyance at how often Grant would end up blacked out in front of him.

Before the coyotes could finish Grant off for good, Skit snapped his fingers and the coyote's heads fell to the ground having been separated from their bodies.

"You're lucky I like you human.

Unfortunately for you however, I don't know any healing skills or first aid. So you'll have to survive long enough for me to reach that shoddy community you humans call a settlement."

After floating down from the building Skit was standing on, he landed in front of Grant before he created a mana barrier underneath him and lifted him up so that he was floating on an invisible platform next to Skit.

Skit knew that the rest of the humans would be looking for Grant sooner or later, so he decided to take his chances and carried him towards the settlement.

As Skit approached the settlement, a few warning shots rang out and pierced the ground next too him. The gun shots weren't nearly powerful enough to kill Skit, but he respected their warning and decided to stand where he was.

He could see the people on the wall discussing something furiously before one of them ran off behind the wall and disappeared into the settlement.

After a few minutes of standing there waiting, a group of six people came walking out from behind the wall.

Skit didn't know who they were, but it was the current leadership of the camp, Richard, and Robin.

When they saw Grant hovering next to Skit, they were at first concerned, but Richard and Robin quickly realized that it would be highly unlike for a monster to save Grant and carry him back to the settlement. So the only logical excuse was that the skeleton standing before them was Skit.

Richard and Robin convinced the leaders of the settlement to let them try and talk to the skeleton, so those two, alone, walked towards Skit and the hovering, unconscious Grant.

"Excuse me Mr Skeleton, are you Skit?"

"I am. It appears that Grant has told you about me."

Robin let out a deep sign, knowing that the skeleton wasn't their enemy, at least he wasn't Grant's enemy so it was unlikely that he would do him any harm. Still, she was visibly afraid of the skeleton before her so it was difficult for her to even so much as speak to him.

"Thank goodness, if it is alright with you, can we take Grant behind the wall and treat his wounds?"

Skit naturally noticed their defensive nature and posture, but he thought nothing of it. He could tell that no on in the surrounding area could possibly pose a threat to him so he was as casual as he had always been.

"Very well, lead the way."


A/N: Hey guys, for some reason the formatting on the chapters keep getting screwed up every time I save the draft. If the issue occurs when I post the chapter, please bare with me as I try to figure out what's causing it. Thank you!