Well well well...

Following his failed attempt at intimidation and subsequent taunt by Grant, Andrew blew his top even more than he already had seeing the death of Martin.

He quickly ordered his men to surround and engage Grant, who other than having an oversized sword seemed to be wholly unprepared for a fight considering he was wearing only normal street clothes and a few random rings.

Grant calmly observed the group of ten people that were now encircling him.

He knew that without his armor, their was a small chance that someone here may have a weapon that could potentially endanger him, but that was limited to only the people who were not using firearms as a means of attack.

Within the group that was currently surrounding him were 10 people, 5 of them had firearms and 5 of them had an assortment of weapons that appeared to be from Random Rolls which meant that Grant could effectively ignore half of the group. The half that did have items from Random Rolls all had different melee weapons which meant that they would have to engage him at close combat.

The stupidity and inefficiency with which this group seemed to operate, astounded Grant. He had no idea how a group of melee fighters were supposed to engage him while the people with guns fired at him. As if the fighters themselves realized this issue, they just stood there in their spots surrounding Grant without doing anything. It was more of a game of wait and see rather than a fight.

Seeing the ineptitude of the people immediately surrounding him, Grant focused on the bigger picture.

In addition to Andrew, their were a total of 3 individuals that did not join the encirclement, all women, who Grant assumed were either slaves to sate Andrew's desires or people who Andrew valued over the rest of the fighters.

Based on what Leonard had told him about the strength of the camp, it appeared that everyone who had participated in killing monsters was present. Leonard had mentioned that their were a total of ten evolved humans, and since Martin was lying headless behind him, that left only the 9 individuals present.

Knowing that he could effectively cut off the head of the snake Grant was prepared to kill every single person present if they forced him to do so.

After a few seconds passed without anyone doing anything, Andrew seemed to have lost his patience.

"What the fuck are you idiots doing?! Attack him already!"

Hearing Andrew's orders, surprisingly enough, one of the men in the encirclement pointed out the very same flaw that Grant had noticed almost instantaneously.

"Boss, if these guys fire their guns, how are we supposed to attack him at close range with our weapons?"

Grant took a moment to observe the fellow who had noticed and pointed out the fatal flaw in their group. It appeared to be an early thirties man with glasses who looked like he had just come from a hard day at the office. He was wearing some crude leather armor and holding a regular double edged sword that you would see in movies about the middle ages.

Grant made a mental note to refrain from killing the man if at all possible.

It appeared that he may be the only one in the entire leadership group who had any semblance of intelligence.

Of course, Grant wouldn't hesitate to kill him if it was discovered that he had committed any deplorable acts, but just maybe he would be worth saving.

"I don't give a fuck how you do it Zach, just attack already! If you idiots don't kill this man in the next 30 seconds, I'm going to kill all of you the second that this is over!"

With that threat, the silence that was reigning over the area was immediately broken by the sound of gunfire.

Grant, even with bullets raining down on his body, simply closed his eyes and used his Overclocked Perception to sense his surroundings waiting for the melee fighters to engage.

Seeing how calm and composed Grant was under the hail of gunfire, the expressions of all the evolved individuals at the scene, visibly darkened.

Andrew was the only one who seemed wholly unconcerned by the situation, whether that was because of his arrogance or confidence in his own strength, only he knew.

Once the fighters who had been using guns emptied their clips, the evolved individuals quickly moved in to engage Grant in melee combat.

Grant could tell, just from the aura that each individual was exuding, their wasn't a single individual in the initial assault group that was in the Enlightened Tier. Which meant, that other than their weapons themselves, he had nothing to fear in the way of skills.

Avoid their weapons, avoid damage. That was Grant's plan.

Knowing that in this instance, speed would be the deciding factor, Grant subtly and slowly pushed some of his Strength stat into his Agility stat using the skill {Unbound Stats}.

Since he had been forcefully practicing the use of the skill since the moment they left the dungeon, he had slowly but surely gained control over the flow of his mana which in turn meant that he had more control over the transfer of stats.

Since the five melee fighters, who seemingly had no experience fighting in a group together, were basically attacking him one person at a time, he was given the adequate amount of time to transfer nearly half of his stats to Agility.

From the beginning, Grant's stats were already head and shoulders above these individuals, but since he wanted to train himself in a group fight, if he could even call it that, he let them attack him without pushing his body to its limits.

So at first, he used his sword to deflect their weapons, but as the fight dragged on and his agility increased, it became increasingly easier for Grant to make subtle and minute movements to dodge attacks all together.

The next real test came when the guards with the guns had finished reloading their weapons and the melee fighters started to show signs of being worn out.

After one of the guards shouted for the melee fighters to drop back, Grant had a fun idea to try out, so he once again and with more speed, pushed his Strength into Agility.

The moment that the guards with the weapons opened fire, Grant began to dodge the bullets rather than take them head on.

[Holy shit! I can dodge bullets! Now I just need some sunglasses and an all black outfit and I can be real life Neo!]

Zach and Andrew seemed to be the only ones who noticed the subtle shift though because the rest of the fighters were either too weak or too stupid to notice the difference between the first barrage of gunfire and the second.

Before the two of them could do anything about it though, Grant who had his fill of fun for the moment, suddenly sprinted from where he had been standing since the start of the fight and headed towards one of the melee fighters who was currently slumped over breathing heavily.

"He's going on the offensive you fucking idiots! Don't just stand there!"

Unfortunately for the first man though, he was dead before Andrew could even finish his sentence.

Seeing that Grant was now actively engaging them, the rest of the people scrambled to get ready to intercept him. But alas, it was a futile effort.

Seeing Grant dispatch the third person without taking so much as a single hit from a weapon or bullet and heading in his direction, Zach realized that they were well and truly fucked even if Andrew joined in the fight. So with no other choice or ideas on how to save his own skin, he dropped his sword, got down on his knees, and raised his hands into the air before placing them behind his head.

Surprised by the decisiveness of the man's actions, Grant veered off from engaging Zach and ran to the next person in his line of sight.

[Well well well.. will you look at that. He is pretty smart. At least he knows how to value his own life. That is a skill in and of itself.]

Zach wasn't positive since it happened so quickly, but it appeared to him as if Grant had winked at him as he flashed past.

Of course, Andrew saw what Zach was doing, and even though he already appeared to be at the peak of his anger, managed to find another level and turn as red as a ripe tomato before exploding with insults.


If you don't get up and fight right now, I swear to god I will murder your fucking family!! You think I was bluffing when I said I'd kill them if you ever betrayed me?! Just because you can keep the power on doesn't mean you can't be replaced!!

Athena, go back to the tower and kill that pitiful fucks family!"

As soon as he gave the order, one of the females behind Andrew quickly turned and prepared to run away.

However, before she could even take as many as five steps, Grant appeared right in front of her, exuding an immense pressure on her with his gaze.

He gave her a small smile before he spoke.

"Sorry ma lady, I cannot allow you to do that. Be a good girl and go back to where you were.

Or I'll be forced to kill you."