For a full minute, silence reigned before Zach finally spoke up.
"Immediately following The Path's emergence, the hospital had actually been cleared of all monsters and zombies which made it a safe haven for the survivors of the initial chaos.
When Andrew took charge of the camp, he started to have issues with many different people because they resisted his leadership.
In retaliation to people fighting back against him, he started to lock people up on the third floor. Eventually, the floor became jam packed with people and Andrew grew tired of feeding and keeping them alive.
Eventually, Martin suggested that we should lure a zombie up onto the floor and then stop feeding the captives. Eventually, they would either starve to death or try to break free.
Obviously, as you saw, Andrew agreed with the idea and allowed Martin to lure a zombie up onto the third floor."
Although Grant had already assumed that to be the case, he couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment when someone actually confirmed it.
"That's just idiotic. Wouldn't people at the other end of the hallway be able to escape at any point since zombies are so slow?"
"You are correct. That is why, Martin had stationed someone in each stairwell to stop people from escaping. Whenever someone managed to get past the zombie and reach the stairwell, Martin's men would be there to cripple them in some fashion before throwing them back into the hallway where eventually the zombie would find them and eat them."
Grant once again shook his head in disappointment at the brutality of Martin and Andrew. What possible reason did they have for doing something like that?
"You know, I never felt bad about killing them, but now I'm actually kind of glad I did. What fucked up people...
Well, it doesn't really matter now since they are both dead and I'm in charge. None of that bullshit will ever happen again under my watch."
Zach didn't say anything and waited patiently for Grant to continue.
"Now on to you, Zach.
Based on your truthfulness and your actions since we first encountered each other. I will give you one chance, and I truly mean, one chance, to redeem yourself.
If you, in any way, betray my benevolence, I will end your life before you can even beg for it.
There will be no second chances, do you understand me?"
Zach hung his head for a few moments before he raised it up once again and looked Grant directly in the eyes.
"I understand. If I may make one request?"
In response, Grant gestured with his hand to indict that Zach may in fact make his request.
"I do not want to fight anymore. Frankly, I never wanted too. Andrew and Martin forced me to be a part of their group and follow them around so that they could keep tabs on me.
I would very much like to go back to tinkering and building. It is what I find most enjoyable after all."
Hearing his request, Grant was actually pretty relieved to some degree. He needed more people like Zach to assist in building the new settlement inside the dungeon. His goal was to eventually expand the fledgling town into a sprawling city where humanity could launch its defense from in the coming months and years.
At least for the small part of the world that they could currently influence.
"I will grant, pun intended, your request. Frankly, I need people like you to assist in building my settlement.
You won't understand now since all you have seen is destruction and the idea of rebuilding will seem impossible, but I assure you, it is very much possible and already underway in fact."
Zach, obviously skeptical, was just happy that he could now avoid putting his life on the line every day.
"Thank you, Grant. I am eternally grateful for this opportunity and I will not let you down."
Grant just nodded his head up and down before saying, "Good good. Now before I let you go find your family, I have one last thing I need to ask you about.
Had Andrew stashed food anywhere in the camp? I find it hard to believe that any time he wanted to eat, he or his men would have to go out and find supplies."
"There is a stash of food, yes. It is located in the cafeteria of the hospital. The fridges and freezers have remained functional due to the generators in the basement that are powering the building.
It allowed Andrew to enjoy foods that most people would not be able to experience at this point."
Grant couldn't help but smack his forehead when he heard of the stash's location. It was the most obvious spot and yet he hadn't even considered it.
"Thank you for the information. Let me walk you out so that the guards don't stop you.
Return to the hospital by sundown tonight so that we can discuss a few more things. I will need the hospital to remain functional until we leave, which will require your expertise. Also, begin to think of a list of equipment that you would like to have on hand when we leave.
Once we are gone, we will not be returning."
And without waiting for Zach to reply, Grant rose to his feet and began walking towards the door.
When the guards and Tom saw Grant and Zach exit, they all stood a little straighter to express their appreciation for Grant.
Seeing that Zach was untied, the guards tensed and began to raise their weapons but Grant waved off their actions to indicate that they were unnecessary.
"He works for me now. He is allowed to move freely and leave her under his own power.
Tom, I will need you to communicate with the rest of your people that he now works for me. Do not let any harm come to him or his family."
Hesitantly, Tom tried to question the decision, "You do know that Zach was present when Martin and my son committed some of their despicable actions, yes?"
Grant just nodded his head before he replied, "I understand. He has explained his part in all of it. I am going to give him a second chance because I do not believe him to have done any of that under his own free will.
This is not up for debate anyways. Anyone that goes against my wishes will be subject to punishment. Do make sure they are aware.
That will be all."
Knowing that he really had no say in the matter, Tom could only reluctantly agree before leading Zach out of the house.
Without even acknowledging the rest of the people in the room, Grant exited the building and headed in the direction of the hospital.
His first task for the new day was going to be to check out the food stash.
He moved through the now bustling streets with a speed that allowed him to avoid anyone that wanted to stop him to strike up a conversation or question his decisions, which allowed him to reach the hospital rather quickly.
Only stopping to allow the sliding door to get out of his way, Grant continued at the same pace through the hospital, following his memories of the layout, until he reached the cafeteria doors.
The double doors had a chain wrapped through the handle's with a massive padlock stuck through them.
Rather than bother looking for a key, Grant reached down and grabbed the chain with his bare hands before squeezing down on the chain.
Under the strength of his grip, the part of the chain that was beneath his grip, suddenly splintered and broke into many tiny pieces.
Grant quickly pulled the rest of the chain free from the door before swinging the double doors open and walking into the large open area that would have once been the dining area.
Although some tables and chairs remained, it appeared as if most of the furniture had been removed because the area was mostly empty.
Ignoring the area, Grant proceeded to head towards the door that led to the kitchen and the dry food storage.
After quickly reaching the door, Grant peered through the little window in the door preparing himself for disappointment.
The sight in front of Grant made him pause for a moment though because he couldn't believe what he seeing.
In the kitchen scattered across the prep tables and other counter space was a large amount of canned goods.
[I haven't even gotten to the dry storage and already their is this much food just sitting around?! What the fuck?! Why was everyone starving here?? It makes no sense how just the 'chosen' people would ever need this much food. It would go bad before they ever got a chance to eat it all!]
Feeling excited and angry once again, Grant threw the door open and walked into the kitchen. Sure enough, even outside of his initial view, were countless more canned and boxed foods.
Shaking his head at the greed of Andrew and his men, Grant proceeded to walk towards the dry food storage.
Just like the kitchen, the dry food storage was loaded from floor to ceiling with all different kinds of foods.
[I mean, it makes sense that a hospital would constantly be stocked up on food considering they have to feed thousands of people every day, but the fact that they still have this much food remaining is absolutely unbelievable...
What the actual fuck...]
Satisfied knowing that he could easily feed the people of this camp until they began their journey back towards his dungeon, Grant continued to the walk-in coolers and freezers.
The same sight repeated itself for both of them as well.
[Well shit, I think their is enough food here to serve both camps for a good few weeks. This just made my life so much easier...
Alright, I need to find Ethan, he's got more work to handle now!]