New Path's

For a moment silence reigned throughout the small room.

"I love Grant! He's the best!"

Richard and Ally both turned to Robin after she declared her love, before they both started to laugh.

Not quite understanding why they were laughing at her, Robin protested, "Don't laugh at me! I love Grant! He's always so nice to me! He talks to me and gives me candy when I'm sad!"

Unfortunately for Robin, the more the little girl protested, the more Richard and Ally laughed at her expense.

Since they didn't seem to believe her, Robin could only puff out her cheeks and glare at her mother and brother in response to their laughter.

After laughing for a good minute, Ally and Richard slowly returned to their more serious attitude.

Since Robin was still glaring at the two of them, Richard decided to explain the reason for his question in a little more detail so that his sister could understand.

"I didn't mean that kind of love Robin.

I'm asking mom if she loves Grant the same way she loved dad."

Robin's eyes went extremely wide in realization before she turned towards her mother, "Is that true mom?!"

Ally simply nodded her head with a sweet smile on her face as she looked at her little girl.

"It's true honey. But I wanted to talk to you guys before I even thought about talking to Grant. If you're not ready for this or you don't want me to be that close with Grant, I won't.

I know what he means to the two of you and I don't want to ruin that.

Can you tell me what you're feeling so that I know what decision I should make?"

Robin in all her innocence didn't even give it a second though before she answered, "I just want you to be happy mom!"

Ally, on the verge of tears, slid out of her chair and hugged her little girl.

Robin, not truly understanding what all the emotion was for, happily hugged her mom in return.

After the two hugged for a minute or two, Ally let go of Robin and slowly returned to her chair before turning to face Richard.

Since he hadn't said anything yet, she was starting to grow concerned about what his thoughts on the issue would be.

Her concerns were swiftly washed away though by what he said next, "It took you long enough to realize mom... You and him always spent an odd amount of time together.

Plus, I could tell that when you're around him, you seem to forget a little bit of the horrors we have faced.

Just like Robin, I want nothing more than for you to be happy.

Although I do have to ask you one question, isn't it a little fast? You two haven't even known each other that long and hardly spent any time together. Maybe you should wait a bit until you jump into anything too serious.

I'm sorry if I'm overstepping here, but I'm just playing devils advocate."

Ally let out a quiet laugh before she once again got out of her chair and hugged Richard this time.

"You may be right honey. I will make sure that these feelings are real and it is what I truly want before I jump into anything to serious."

"Okay, good. I just don't want you to get hurt mom. Plus, I don't think I could beat up Grant if he broke your heart. As much as I would want too in that situation, he is freakishly strong..."

Releasing Richard from the hug, Ally started laughing, "It's true Richie, I don't think anyone here could accomplish that so please don't be the person who tries..."

Finally acknowledging her feelings and asking what her kids thought of them helped to provide a massive amount of relief to Ally who momentarily got lost in the moment.

[I wonder what Grant is up too.. I hope he's okay...]

Knowing now wasn't the time to worry about him though, Ally returned her attention to her kids.

"I'm glad we had this talk but lets not worry about it for now. Grant isn't even here and who knows when he'll be back."

With the mood lightened a little bit and the serious conversation out of the way, the three of them started to discuss other important topics.

As if suddenly remembering something important, Robin shot up out of her chair like a rocket, "AH! I almost forgot! Mom, we did it! We got our Paths!"

"Ah finally, I was wondering when you three would get to that."

The two kids and their mother suddenly froze in place before they all turned to look at the skeleton in the room.

[[[We completely forgot he was here!]]]

An awkward silence permeated the area for a few seconds before Richard coughed in order to clear it the best he could.

"Sorry about that Skit, no lie, I forgot you were here.

I'm glad you're interested though, because my sister and I now walk some rather unique Path's if I do say so myself."

"Ohoho and pray tell, what might those be?"

Richard gestured towards Robin for her to go first.

In order to add some power to her presentation, Robin climbed up onto her chair, using it as a stepping stool to appear taller before gesturing grandly to the air with her arms.

"Bow before this o great and powerful one, for I walk the Path of the Enchantress!"

Hearing the title of the Path, Ally's immediate response was, "Absolutely not! You're too young!"

Robin, caught off guard by her mom's response, was confused. "What do you mean I'm too young?"

Richard, sitting across from Robin and looking between his mom and sister, couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

While Richard was doing his best to control himself, Ally was yelling at Robin about how she was too young to seduce men and all this other related stuff.

Eventually, Richard gathered himself enough to interject into their conversation.

"Robin, this is why I told you not to tell her the name first... You really should have told her what your Path was about before telling her the name!

Mom, calm down. Her Path isn't what you think it is.

She basically has a connection with nature which allows her to tame animals for varying duration's depending on their willingness as well as some other cool skills."

After hearing Richard's explanation, Ally slunk back into her chair with an embarrassed look on her face while Robin nodded her head up and down acknowledging that she had completely forgot that Richard had told her that earlier.

Taking that as an opportunity, it was Skit's turn to speak, "That is surprising... I have never heard of that Path before.

Child, I would ask that you show me what you are capable of later, if you would be so kind?"

Finally getting the response she was hoping for from at least one person, Robin had a beaming smile on her face.

"Of course Mr Skit! I will gladly show you! You can come hunt with us later and see me in action! I'm pretty awesome if I do say so myself."

"Ohoho I am looking forward to it. And what about you, young man, what Path have you decided to walk?"

Rather than present his Path with the same fervor that his sister had, Richard remained seated without saying anything for a few seconds before he took a deep breathe.

"My Path is nothing exciting like Robin's. It just seemed like the best choice for me considering I spent such a large amount of time wielding my oversized hammer while fighting.

The Path is called Earth Shaker."

"Ohoho you seem kind of disappointed young man, can I ask why?"

"I'm not really disappointed, I just thought that I would get something cooler sounding with more diverse skills. The rest of the Path's that were available to me were stuff related to berserkers or barbarians of some sort, and I don't think that the reckless fighting style those represent, suit me all too well."

"Well let me tell you two things then, young man.

Number one, The Path will not present you with options that it does not believe you are suited for, so whether you want to admit it or not, those classes do suit you.

Secondly, I know someone who walks the path of the Earth Shaker. Do you know what he excels at?"

Richard simply shook his head no before waiting for Skit to continue.

"Earth Shaker's excel at combat. Close combat, long range combat, single combat, and group combat. You may have thought that you were choosing a Path that doesn't require you to get lost in the fight, but you chose wrong my young friend.

Before you get discouraged though, let me tell you about my friend. Well, I lied, he's not really a friend.

It's my older brother.

And you are in luck. He will be here tomorrow."


A/N: Alright ladies and gents, I have some news! I want to give you notice in advance so that no one in surprised by it when it happens. Tomorrow, release two chapters per usual, SUNDAY HOWEVER, will only have 1 chapter. And that will be chapter 100. I have a surprise in the works/partially ready for Monday. SO, please bare with me on Sunday because I'll make it up to you on Monday.

Much appreciated!

Stay awesome everyone!