
Looming over the two of them, Couzar, fully decked out in his usual armor, just looked back and forth at the both of them for awhile before he finally broke the silence.

"Bahaha what happened to you Grant? You look like you've been to hell and back since I last saw you!

Your reactions are commendable though, whatever you were doing seems to have paid off quite a bit. When we first met, you didn't even notice my presence until I spoke.

How did you improve so quickly I wonder?"

Grant just scoffed at the oversized suit of armor in front of him and relaxed his fists, "I've been studying the 'Keys to Victory'"

Grant couldn't tell because of the helmet, but Couzar's 'face' had frozen when he heard 'Keys To Victory'.

He wanted to ask how Grant knew about the teachings of the Romanerian people, but he held his metaphorical tongue in the end.

The Romanerian people had been wiped out to the last man a few thousand years ago by an unknown warrior and it was obvious that Grant had never left his own planet, so that left only one possibility, he had somehow come into possession of a Spirit from Romaneria.

Couzar suddenly realized something; he was jealous of the human in front of him. Due to his overwhelming pride in himself, he refrained from bombarding Grant with questions about the spirit he was sure he possessed.

He had come across books that the Romanerian people had passed on to species of other planets and had been infatuated by their approach to combat and war.

Even throughout the entire existence of The Path, the Romanerian's had been not just the strongest humans, but also some of the strongest fighters compared to all races.

When their planet was destroyed, it had sent shock waves through countless planets because it seemed inconceivable that anyone would be capable of defeating them so quickly and in such quantity.

For hundreds of years after their demise, many races had been living on a razors edge believing that some powerful entity was going to continue to slaughter the inhabitants of more planets.

When nothing happened though, people gradually relaxed and started to forget the Romanerian's. Only a few people had bothered to investigate the now deserted planet of Romaneria but after being unable to uncover any evidence about what had happened, they too gradually forgot about it.

Couzar was one of the few people who still held the Romaneria people in high regard because of how similar his fighting style was to theirs.

After thinking about it more, Couzar realized that even if he didn't ask now, it was only a matter of time before his desire to know the truth would overtake his pride.

Since Couzar had not said anything for a few minutes, Ethan and Grant were discussing their plans for the rest of the day and taking the new recruits out to train but they were suddenly interrupted by Couzar.

"Grant, what is the name of the spirit that The Path has bestowed upon you?"

Momentarily, Grant was caught off guard by the question, but due to the way Couzar had treated him since they met, he simply ignored the oversized skeleton.

Annoyed by the flippant attitude of the puny human in front of him, Couzar took a step forward and released a large portion of his aura trying to intimidate Grant.

"I asked you a question human."

Contrary to Couzar's expectation, Grant turned to face him before taking a step forward and releasing his own aura laced with killing intent.

"And? I don't answer to you. Or did I miss the memo where it says you're in charge now?"

As the seconds ticked by, the two of them slowly approached each other while releasing more and more of their auras.

Ethan, who was standing by the side, desperately wanted to intervene to prevent them from fighting, but he was far weaker than Grant, let alone Couzar, so he could only fumble back and forth on the side.

When the two were so close to each other that they were nearly kissing with their full aura's on display, the small bone Couzar wore around his neck vibrated and rose up into the air.

"Will you two meatheads cut it out? Why is it that people who fight with melee weapons are always so hot headed?"

Hearing Skit's voice all of a sudden, both Grant and Couzar wavered for a split second but neither of them retreated from the standoff.

"I said cut it out! We have bigger problems than whatever it is that you two are fighting about! Couzar, I don't care what you said earlier, you will open a portal for Grant and his people to return to the dungeon."

Realizing that the dungeon may be in danger, Grant no longer had any interest in Couzar so he quickly took a few steps back and suppressed his aura.

After Couzar did the same, Grant began to question Skit.

"What do you mean we have bigger problems? What's going on?"

However, Skit just told them that now wasn't the time and he would explain everything when they returned.

Knowing that it would be impossible to move everyone and all of the necessary equipment through the gate in a single attempt, the three of them made plans to carry out the move over the next 24 hours. Ethan remained nothing more than a fly on the wall during the entire discussion.

Based on estimations, every four hours Couzar would be able to use the gate skill; which meant that they had to move everything in six activation's of the skill.

Of course, they could always continue to use the skill even after the sixth attempt, but Skit made it sound like things were urgent so they wanted to get it done as quickly as possible.

With a load of work on his plate, Grant no longer had time for Couzar or his petty problems so he quickly ran off with Ethan in tow when the conversation with Skit was over.

When Grant and Ethan were gone, the bone that had gone silent just moments before, suddenly vibrated again.

"So are you going to tell me why you lied to him Skit? I can tell just by your voice that their is no danger.

We've known each other far too long for that act to fool me, so don't even bother trying to lie."

After a long silence, Skit finally spoke.

"You're wrong brother. I just don't understand how it's possible so quickly after The Path's emergence so I'm just caught off guard.

This planet.. is about to step onto it's Path."

Couzar couldn't comprehend what Skit had just said. He understood what Skit meant, he just couldn't understand how it was possible.

The two of them argued back and forth for a few minutes about how impossible it was for a planet to reach its own Path so early into its inclusion to The Path, but in the end, their conjecture amounted to nothing because it had in fact, already begun.

"We have no more than a week before the Earth begins its transformation. We need to prepare. Do you understand brother?"

Couzar didn't answer, he simply cut off the mana to the necklace and looked up to the sky above. He was beaming with joy and anticipation at what was to come.

While Couzar and Skit were finishing their conversation, Ethan, Grant, Tom, Zach, and a whole slew of other people were frantically making plans for the next 28 hours.

Grant had immediately summoned anyone with any semblance of influence to the square in front of the hospital and told them about the gate skill and the timetable for using it. Many people were skeptical when Grant told them about the dungeon and how he already had a town being built within it.

Not surprisingly, many people also claimed that it would be impossible to move everyone and everything in the time frame that they were given, but Grant told them they had no choice and if they had any issues with it, they were more than welcome to stay behind.

Grant divided the workload among as many people as he could to make sure that every last piece of man power was utilized but everyone was still overwhelmed.

After putting together a rough plan, they decided that all equipment should be passed through the gate in the first few waves to make sure that they had the necessary amount of people to move it.

Eventually when all of the materials and equipment were passed to the dungeon, then the people would begin to move.

Having a rough outline on how they were going to go about moving thousands of people and thousands of pieces of equipment, Grant dispersed the meeting and sent everyone off to handle their own tasks.

Standing in the middle of the square, Grant suddenly pumped his arms into the air in celebration.

[I'm on my way home Ally!]


A/N: And that's 10 chapters for your enjoyment! Mass releases are ROUGH! I never realized how hard it was to sit down and just churn out chapters at such a high rate. I think I need a break... haha.

Don't worry, I'm only joking. ;)

Thank you so much for reading and voting for my novel. Your support means the world too me and I am extremely grateful! Without you guys, we never would have gotten 2nd in the event and I probably would have lost motivation to reach 100 chapters this quickly!

I hope you enjoy the few extra chapters!

During this week, I will be posting my discord for anyone who would like to join and discuss the novel directly with me!

As always, vote with your powerstones! If we somehow manage to reach the top 200 in powerstone ranking, I'll do another mass release. (Probably 5 this time. 10 is a lot. Haha)