Enlightened Earth

Skit and Couzar moved the shocked Grant out of the way and entered the house, greeting the kids and Ally as they did.

After being bumped by Couzar when he passed, Grant snapped out of his stunned daze, shut the door, and followed the two skelebros into the house.

Since the house only had four chairs surrounding the dining table, Robin and Richard both evacuated their chairs and walked over to where there mother was to give Skit and Couzar a place to sit.

As Skit and Couzar took their seats, Grant also returned to the table and the actual discussion finally began.

Skit began with a brief introduction to what it meant for the Earth to enter onto its Path.

"You may not know this, but the Earth is on its own path of evolution. In order to sustain the growing strength of its inhabitants, the Earth will evolve as well.

This main affects it in three major ways.

The first is that the purity of the mana will increase and it will make it easier for weaker monsters to grow stronger, quicker. The atmosphere, weather, and the land itself will begin to change due to the increased purity of mana.

The second, is that the indigenous populations of the planet will begin to evolve even before they have begun to fight and grow. Similar to how my race shed everything but bones, similar but less drastic changes will begin to occur on Earth.

The third, final, and most important evolution for Earth will be the Earth itself. Plants and Materials that did not exist before will begin to appear throughout Earth. Different metals and plant life used for Blacksmithing and Potioneering respectively will begin to 'grow' here on Earth. It will allow the people who walk the Path of trade skills to truly begin to contribute.

The major downside will be that stronger members of other races will be allowed to pass through the dungeon cores sooner than expected."

Grant and the rest just remained silent for a few seconds contemplating the information.

"I understand what you are saying, but I have one question. Why does it feel like you are surprised by this development, Skit? Is the timeline the Earth is on considered to be fast?"

Skit just shook his head a few times before he went on to explain, "Far too fast. I believed that it would have been another year before the Earth managed to enter onto its Path.

My belief is that, due to the already increased purity and density of mana here on Earth, humans have grown quickly themselves, while stronger members of other planets have arrived earlier than expected."

Knowing that speculating on the matter would do them no good, after a brief discussion about what could have caused the early evolution of the Earth, Grant decided to move past the topic and ask a different question.

"You keep talking about what it means for Earth and why. But what will happen when the Earth actually does enter onto it's Path. Will the evolution be instantaneous and violent or will it be drawn out of over the period of weeks or months?"

Skit raised his boney hand to his chin as if he was deep in thought.

After a few minutes of silence, "I am not entirely sure to be honest with you. I have never experienced the evolution of a planet myself. But based on the historical records of my planets evolution, it should be quick and go rather unnoticed."

Grant couldn't help but laugh in relief, "So what are you so worried about?! If the world isn't going to explode tomorrow then all we need to concern ourselves with are the invaders. Let the planet do what it will do."

Before anyone else could say a word in response however, a rhythmic knocking came from the door once again.

When Grant opened the door, he was greeted by the sight of Jerrod.

Jerrod gave a short bow before, "I'm sorry to interrupt Grant but I was told by one of the guards at the front gate that Nettlethorn would like to meet with you."

Grant thanked Jerrod for the information and quickly dismissed him. It was rare for Nettlethorn or any of the treants to waste time on conversation, so it meant that he must have something truly important to discuss.

Grant informed Skit and Couzar that he would be heading towards the dungeon entrance and would return shortly to continue the conversation, but Skit insisted that he come along, so the two of them set off together.

As the two walked through the camp, Grant couldn't help but admire the speed with which the new 'town' was coming together. Even in the brief time that he had been at home with Ally and the kids, the town had already changed. More walls were being erected and more foundations were being laid by the minute.

"It's impressive isn't it? When you humans put your minds to things, you can truly make the impossible, possible.

If Jerrod wasn't human and loyal to you, I would consider dragging him back to my planet to help my people rebuild faster. The man is a genius at planning and executing said plan efficiently."

Knowing that Skit was only joking, Grant ignored his veiled threat to steal one of his towns leaders and continued to admire the progress.

Eventually they reached the end of the construction area and Grant realized that they weren't even one third of the way to the dungeon entrance yet. Which meant that they still had an immense amount of space to build before he would be forced to spend mana to expand the walls of the dungeon.

The rest of the way to the dungeon entrance, Grant and Skit just exchanged small talk about what had happened while Grant was away.

To Grant's surprise, Skit actually apologized for the behavior of his brother and said that it was Couzar's way of dealing with things that made it difficult for people to put up with him for long periods of time.

Grant couldn't agree more that Couzar was difficult, but it didn't mean that he hadn't learned a few things already from him, so he simply waved off Skit's apology.

After walking for a few more minutes, the two of them emerged from the dungeon entrance and were greeted by the sight of the giant tree.

"Grant... good to... see you... Spring...tree.. would... like a... meeting... Skeleton can.. come..."

Not at all surprised that Nettlethorn wouldn't be the one conducting the meeting, Grant had prepared to enter the 'mind space' as he liked to call it now. What he had not expected, was that Skit would also be allowed to come.

[Well, this is not a good sign....]

Skit seemed totally caught off guard by the situation as well. And although reluctant, he eventually agreed to join the meeting. He was curious what problems would compel the treants to overlook his origins and the long standing hatred between the living and dead.

When the two of them consented to the meeting, which was a luxury Grant wasn't afforded last time, the familiar fluctuation of mana followed by the momentary blackout occurred.

As his mind adjusted to being in the space for the second time, Grant gradually regained his hearing and vision.

He could hear Skit and Springtree already arguing, even though it couldn't have been more than a few seconds since they began to enter the space.

"I told you undead filth, the Earth's evolution will be violent and unparalleled in its destruction! You must move as many people into the dungeon as quickly as possible!"

"How do you know that?! The historical records do not indicate anything of the sort, ever! No planets evolution has ever been seen as violent or destructive!"

Rather than interrupt the two, Grant simply listened to the side. He knew next to nothing about the evolution of a planet so other than gathering information, he really had no purpose here.

"I spoke to the Earth itself! It has warned me to make sure that my brothers and sisters across the world are ready for what is to come!

As for you and the humans, the Earth does not care! I am making a personal decision to inform you of what is to come. I have no reason to lie to you! But I can not win the coming wars with just the soldiers of the Earth. We will need the humans to do their part as well but they have to be alive to do it!"

For once, Skit didn't seem to have anything to say, so Grant finally joined into the conversation.

"Hello Spruce, it's good to see you again.

I heard what you two were talking about just now, and I only have one question because whether you are right or wrong about what will happen, doesn't really matter.

What I want to know, is when will this all take place?"

Spruce Springtree remained silent for a few more minutes before he finally responded.

"26 days from now."