Organized Chaos

While Grant, Ally, and the kids were admiring the handiwork of the exploration and training teams, Jerrod walked over.

"Welcome back Grant. How did it go?"

Grant turned to face Jerrod before giving him a curt nod and, "It went well. We managed to bring back a few hundred survivors.

I need you to start organizing a place for them as soon as possible. They all brought their own tents and sleeping bags so it should be a fairly straightforward task but they are currently standing outside the dungeon gawking at Skit and Springtree.

Oh and their leaders name is Hailey. She's a friend of mine, so go easy on 'em, yea?"

Before Jerrod could even respond though, Grant pointed over his shoulder with his thumb towards the pile of stuff behind him.

"What's the plan with all this stuff by the way? Is it all useful in some way? Obviously the food, water, and building materials makes sense but how are we supposed to use the electronics? We don't even have electricity right now?"

Jerrod looked over the piles and piles of stuff before looking down at the clipboard he had been carrying in his hand.

"As you can imagine, the food and drinks will be distributed to the residents of the dungeon as emergency ration for when we run out of monster meat and other perishable foods.

The building materials are currently being used for a multitude of projects.

Houses are being erected even as we speak and their progress has been fairly quick. We have prioritized the fighters and their families due to the importance that their roles will play moving forward.

We believe that they deserve the best chance to rest and recover from their long days."

Grant was happy with that arrangement so he simply nodded his head and allowed Jerrod to continue.

"In addition to the housing for the fighters, a small team is also working on communal living quarters for the builders and their families.

Although they may not be risking their lives, we believe that they deserve a comfortable place to live due to the amount of effort each of them have been putting into their work.

We have structured the buildings in a way that it's basically a large square building divided into four different large bedrooms with a hallway running down the middle for access.

Basically, each room is an oversized studio apartment that can house multiple people in each room.

But due to the simplicity of the building, the actual construction has progressed swiftly and we have been able to build three of them in the past two days."

That surprised Grant to some degree. From what he could remember, construction progress, while at times quick, was never that fast.

Seeing Grant's expression, Jerrod couldn't help but stifle a laugh before speaking, "I can see you're surprised by that news, but you will be even more surprised when I show you how it was possible.

If you will follow me, I will show you the current building they are working on and you can see for yourself how its possible."

Jerrod turned and started heading towards the budding little town in the distance, so Grant and the rest followed after him.

As they approached the newly constructed buildings, the sound of hammer on nails and shouting could be heard. Sprinkled intermittently with what sounded like a handsaw being used on wood.

When Jerrod, Grant, and the rest rounded a corner, in front of them was the newest apartment style building.

It was a sight to behold.

There were people literally everywhere!

All of them were fervently doing different tasks and not a single person was standing still wasting time.

Some people were cutting wood like their lives depended on it, some were transporting the recently cut wood to wherever it needed to be, and others were swinging hammers as quickly as they could to get the wood they were currently working with secured in its rightful place so they could move on to the next.

Not just Grant, but Ally and the kids seemed mesmerized by the scene in front of them. It was a picturesque moment of human cooperation and ingenuity.

Jerrod let the four of them soak up the scene before he finally spoke.

"The first one was an utter shit-show. Everyone was so desperate to do more than the next guy that they would end up fighting over which tasks to do.

And I mean, literally fighting. We've had a few bad scuffles but no one was seriously injured thankfully.

Ever since we disseminated the information throughout the camp about contributions and the subsequent treatment/housing that can be gained from that, most people with families have been desperate to contribute.

No one wants to sleep on the ground if they can help it.

After some trial and error, we were finally able to come up with a system where each worker was randomly assigned a task for the day. They were only allowed to apply for jobs they were qualified for or had experience in so as to avoid any poor craftsmanship.

I like to think of it as organized chaos.

Though if it weren't for Frank over there who used to be a general contractor and has experience managing large commercial projects, this never would have been possible."

When Jerrod mentioned Frank, he pointed to a large man who stood at least 6 foot 3 inches and had a toned body even though he looked to be at least 50 years old.

He was currently standing over a makeshift drawing table and pointing at something while yelling at the men who were standing around him.

When it appeared the conversation between Frank and his men was nearing its end, Jerrod decided to introduce Grant to the man so they both walked over while Ally and the kids stayed behind to watch the 'show' that was the construction of the house.

When Frank saw the two men approaching, rather than try and flatter the two leaders, he simply scoffed and yelled at them.

"I don't have time to fondle the balls of the leaders today! Do you not see what is happening in front of you right now?! And we're supposed to be done with this today!

So unless you have something important to say, go away and leave me the fuck alone!"

Jerrod immediately looked nervous. He had never seen anyone treat Grant that way, but he had heard stories about how Grant had killed the leader of the CRMC Camp and knew that he wouldn't hesitate to kill a man if he felt it was justified.

Contrary to his expectations though, Grant simply paused with a stunned look on his face before laughing a few times.

Frank, although appearing to be more and more annoyed by the second, managed to restrain himself from any more outbursts and simply waited for Grant to stop laughing and state his purpose for being there.

A few moments later, Grant finally composed himself before turning around to walking away while waving dismissively over his shoulder.

"As you were Frank.

I don't want my balls fondled by an overgrown hunk of a man either."