Voices Abound

Grant didn't immediately respond and instead focused his attention back onto the Roadrunner.

When he turned back towards the oversized bird, he realized it had not taken its eyes off him the entire time as if trying to judge his reactions to what Springtree was saying.

Grant wasn't sure why, but when he looked into the eyes of the Roadrunner, he saw something akin to determination and an unbending will.

He knew that if he rejected the bond then the bird would likely ignore his wishes and follow him anyways.

It felt as if the big guy knew that Grant was the strongest fighter it had met so far and wanted to piggyback off his strength to experience even more thrilling battles.

With all that information gleaned from a simple staring contest, Grant took a chance.

"I'll agree to the bond transfer. Something about this guy tells me he will be a valuable comrade to have at my side while I venture through the wild.

With that said, how do we transfer the bond?"

Springtree didn't respond and instead reached one of his branches towards the top of his trunk. When the branch made contact with the trunk, it suddenly started to glow a bright sky blue color.

Immediately, Springtree moved the branch towards Grant, while it continued to glow.

As the branch approached, Grant almost instinctively moved away, but since he trusted Springtree, he maintained his posture and stood still.

When the glowing branch made contact with Grant's forehead, a message suddenly appeared.

{The bond between Spruce Springtree and Mutated Roadrunner has been transferred to you by Springtree.

Your new bond's stats can be viewed by focusing on them.}

[Wait, it shows Springtree's name but says Mutated Roadrunner for the bird. Does that mean that Springtree named him Mutated Roadrunner?

Is naming sense is even worse than mine....]

(As unfortunate as it is, he named me before our bond was complete so I was unable to reject it. I am willing to accept a new name if you wish. In fact, I would greatly appreciate it.)

Even with the appearance of the new voice in Grant's head, he didn't freak out or get surprised. In fact, he sighed. All he could think was, [My head is full of voices abound. Free to speak and eavesdrop on me as they please...]

He should have known that something like this would happen. He already had Sherlock and Maximus, why shouldn't their be a few more voices floating around in his mind?

(You need not worry, I can only hear your thoughts because the bond is fresh and it allows a tamer and his bond to form a more concrete partnership quickly.

As soon as our initial bonding session comes to an end, our communication will devolve into that of simple conversation. I will be unable to read your thoughts as I do now.

By the way, I can sense the voices to which you refer too as Sherlock and Maximus, but I can not hear their thoughts as I do yours. Why is that so?)

[Well that's a relief, I was starting to feel like I'd never have any semblance of privacy if yet another individual was capable of reading my thoughts.

As for your question, Sherlock is a guide from The Path and Maximus is a Spirit that I have inherited through The Path as well.

You may not be able to sense their thoughts because of their connection with The Path. Though I can't say for sure.]

{What Grant says is true, Mutated Roadrunner. The Path does not allow anyone but the possessor of the Guide or Spirit to communicate freely with us. We must initiate the conversation for you to hear our voices.}

(Fascinating. You must tell me more about these 'guide' and 'spirits' when we have time. Now, I can tell you wish to move forward with your plans of training and that this incident has already delayed that long enough, so let us end the conversation here and converse as we move.)

The Roadrunners voice in his mind seemed to raise an octave or two when he began talking about training. Clearly the guy was a battle junky and what Springtree said about him enjoying the thrills was true.

Grant had no doubt that as long as the Roadrunner grew he could be a valuable asset in battle. Heck, if he got a bit bigger, he might make an exceptional mount. As long as the bird agreed of course.

[Well I appreciate your concern, but a small delay is nothing to be concerned about. My desire to get to training stems from a much deeper urgency than a simple waste of time. I will explain when we move out. For now I will finish the conversation with Springtree and hand off his first gift to my people.

Then we can move out.

Oh and as for your new name.... Beep-Beep? Nah.. it may have worked for LT but I would feel silly saying something like, "Beep-Beep help me out here!"

Do you have any suggestions?]

(Hmm... how about Phoenix? It feels fitting that it would not only be the name of my birth place but the power of a Phoenix is an apt analogy for how I felt when The Path emerged and I gained my initial strength.

I felt as if I had been reborn.)

[Then so it shall be. Happy to have you as part of the team Phoenix. I look forward to our partnership.]

(I have no doubt it will be a fruitful one for both of us.

Oh, and I have no complaints if you wish to use me as a mount later on. But do allow me to grow a little large. That sword looks awfully heavy and you are still slightly larger than I am.)

Grant simply laughed in his mind and assured Phoenix that he had no issue with waiting until he could grow larger.

The Treant had been observing the Roadrunner and Grant the entire time the two had been conversing and since he was aware of how the initial bonding went, he didn't mind waiting a few minutes.

When he saw Grant move, he knew that their conversation was over and based on the look on Grant's face, things had gone relatively well.

"I see you have finished your initial bonding. I hope your partnership is a fruitful one and that you both continue to grow in strength."

"It is as you say, we have finished our initial conversation. Phoenix and I have much to discuss but that will have to wait for now. If you will excuse me, I would like to pass this bag of Mana Stones off to my people.

Once again, I am grateful for your contributions Spruce and I look forward to our partnership beign a fruitful one for the both of us."

Springtree once again waved off Grant's gratitude.

"Think nothing of it Grant. Now go, I know you have many things you must attend too and I have already kept you long enough."

Grant gave a curt nod before disappearing back into the dungeon.

After he took a few steps, he suddenly realized that he had forgot to tell Phoenix where he was headed, but before he could turn around, he realized the guy was standing right next to him.

Grant was startled.

Phoenix hadn't made a single sound when he followed along with him and he hadn't even realized he was there.

[I really need to check Phoenix's stats when I get a chance. I have severely underestimated this guy.]

Since their initial bond was over, Phoenix didn't hear his thoughts but the bird still tilted its head to the side when it saw Grant staring at it.

Knowing they would have plenty of time to talk, Grant shook his head and continued moving through the dungeon.

Some people were terrified when they saw the giant Roadrunner running next to Grant but relaxed when they saw Grant himself.

If Grant was with the monster, then it was likely that it was safe.

Rather than deliver the cores to Jerrod and the council, he immediately deposited the cores into the dungeon core.

The mana reserves immediately shot up to 42069.

Without hesitation, Grant purchased another 4000 acres of land through the system for a total of 10500.

10000 for the pace and 500 for the soil.

While he was doing that, Phoenix was silently observing everything in the room.

He had never seen a dungeon core before and the whole concept was fascinating.

When Grant was finished purchasing the area, he made a pit stop at the Town Hall to inform Jerrod about the abundance of Treants but since Jerrod was in tune with everything happening in town he was already aware of their numbers.

He had been worried about where they would house the Treants but was relieved to hear that Grant had purchased some new space.

It would take 48 hours for that amount of space to be reclaimed, but they would have to make due in the meantime.

Jerrod had been caught off guard by Phoenix, but had quickly adjusted himself when Grant explained that the Roadrunner was now his bond and that he was basically his partner / subordinate.

Once Grant had finished his impromptu business, he immediately headed back towards the entrance of the dungeon.

This time however, he moved quicker and didn't allow himself to be distracted by anyone or anything.

Once he made his way through the sea of Treants, all he needed to do was run for a few miles and he would finally be free to go wild.