
(A/N First Official Chapter here we come)

"Who are you?" A glowing orb asked, it was in a place called the void where it was devoid of life or matter.

"I am GOD" A voice vibrated through the void even though it shouldn't be possible given what is known by modern sciences.

"What?" The glowing orb exclaimed, he was shocked, confused and in awe, he wondered if this was a dream.

The last thing he remembered was watching an episode of Danmachi before hearing a bang losing consciousness, after which he ended up here for quite a while but he never knew how long; an hour or a day he couldn't tell. After wandering the void, he suddenly heard a voice speaking out to him and it turn out this voice belong to God.

"Is this a dream, am I dead, what's going on?" The glowing orb asked, his voice was somewhat less emotional than what it usually was however he was too preoccupied to notice such a difference

"This is not a dream mortal, you are dead" The being known as God responded indifferently.

The glowing orb went presumably into panic as most would if they find out they died.

"Respect to the Almighty, could I ask how I died?" The orb said respectfully after organizing his thoughts.

"It is simple mortal, you were crushed to death by a being known as truck-kun" God said slowly.

"What? How is that possible?" To say the least the soul was shocked to hear he was killed and by none other than the legendary 'Truck- kun' who in fact was responsible for the majority of deaths of protagonist in isekei anime.

Alex was his name, he was a third year student at one of the most prestigious high schools in his region. His academic performance was better than most at his grade as well as physical fitness. His appearance was good and was able to have a few girlfriends throughout his short life, he was also the captain of the kendo team of the school due to his hobby.

His hobby was reading manga, novels, watching anime and even hentai on the side, of course like most who participate in this hobby somewhat addicted.

From a young age he started training and went to the dojo after being granted permission from his parents after they saw him watching the Shonen anime such as Bleach, Baki, Dragon ball and Naruto. To say the least Alex was quite skilled individual able to wield a variety of weapons and proficient in combat.

After calming down from shock, Alex trembled from excitement, this was his chance, it was the same scenarios in most Isekai series so he couldn't help but ask

"What happen next?"

The void was silent for a few minutes before God answered

"Well mortal, given your life was ended by truck-kun you will be granted a new life, not in your original world as lives taken by truck-kun are not capable of so"

"You will be able to choose the world you fancy"

"You will be able to choose the race you want except for gods and those which are too powerful for the world you have selected"

"You will be given a simple ability that I've given most like you to help you on your journey"

"That is all, choose mortal"

Listening carefully to the words of God, Alex deeply thought about his chooses, it was not too different from what he expected and the only difference be he wasn't given things like 5 wishes or was a candidate for the next god of the multiverse situation.

Time went on for a while until Alex finally decided what he wanted and said

"I would like to be transmigrated into Danmachi preferably a day before Bell meets Ais Wallenstein on the outskirts of Orario"

"For my race I would choose Primordial Vampire, if it is possible"

Alex choose Danmachi as the world is not too dangerous and it he like the world, also he decided to enter a day before the plot of series started, as he didn't wanted to be a baby, he simply didn't wanted to go through childhood again especially in a world that is not technologically advanced.

His race was where all his cards were on as a Primordial Vampire would be superior to every other single race except for gods, which was great since gods weren't allowed in the dungeons, also he would have a lot of racial abilities that came with being a Vampire.

"Good choice Mortal, you're certainly smarter than most reincarnaters"

"Not only did you choose a race with unlimited potential and immortally, you also choose a world where you won't die easily, certainly impressive"

Listening to the words of God Alex felt embarrassed for his fellow reincarnaters, he certainly wondered who some of them were as most anime enthusiast could make chooses similar to him so he felt weird receiving such praise.

"Well then, it's time for you to go mortal, he will be transmigrated in Danmachi as your request, as a Primordial Vampire, the only one of your kind."

"Your identity will be known as Alexander Van Var, a suitable name for the First of a race, the primogenitor."

"Go and live out your dream's young one, as perverted or grand as they be, be free and spread your wings" God announced with vigor shaking the entire void distorting it as it changed colors.

"Thank you God, I will live out my dreams" Alex now Alexander said sincerely with praise not long before he blacked out.

(A/N Bell was replaced by his Female version for this, so treat this as a AU)