The sunshine of the Blac's

The weekend rolled in in a blink of an eye and it was time for Cosette to visit their ancestral home where her grandparents were. The Blac's ancestral home was in another state, so Cosette and Conrad flew over Friday night to use the weekend with her grandparents to its maximum potential, but that wasn't the father and daughter's idea; it was the request of the grandparents. 

One might think they were in it for a heartwarming family reunion, but the reality was far different from that. 

Silence dawned in the dining hall with Cosette sitting next to Conrad, an old man on the head seat, and then an elderly woman on the left across Conrad's spot. The old man on the head seat was in a knitted sweater. His hair was already blanched but was neatly tucked behind. He had visible wrinkles on the corner of his eyes and near the corner of his lips, but his overall appearance could be concluded as strong. He seemed younger and healthier for his age.