Just like a royal family drama

"Wow… if there's a dad of the year, I'd really give it to your dad." Luke turned to Cosette while munching the snack he took after dinner. "Can I stay over here tonight?"

Cosette narrowed her eyes, facing Luke squarely. Her father, Conrad, prepared them some snacks before calling them over for dinner. But after dinner, they have to return to the living area to resume their review. 

"Luke, tell me you don't really want to go home, right?" Cosette propped her side against the coffee table, fixing her eyes on Luke. "Why? Because your brother comes over?"

Luke frowned before he sighed deeply, propping his arms against the edge of the table. 

"I don't know what sort of idea he is up to now," he admitted, glancing at Remo at the same table as them. Remo was solving a math problem as an exercise to recall what he learned from Maxen. "I mean, can you believe it?"