
Taking a shower and changing into his slightly raggedy clothes, Nova began his day like any other.

Due to his constant training and the extremely beneficial consumption of pseudo-Pokemon, he had much more muscle than a normal person should have at that age. Even if his baggy clothes didn't show it.

There was no need for a pep talk or anything of similar nature, he and his Pokemon knew what they were getting into. They had been preparing for the past month.

Nova wasn't the type of person to believe in pushing past his limits in the middle of battle. Fighting with 110% wasn't something he could get behind.

He was of the firm belief that as long as he worked consistently enough, he'd never fail. When you practice the same thing every day like a routine, what's the point in being nervous while doing it again?

If he failed, then he simply didn't work hard enough.

After having a quick breakfast with his two Pokemon, he set off towards the area designated for the small tournament.

Sol decided that she wanted the battles to happen near the outskirts of the city alongside the river. That way, someone could still use their Pokemon if they couldn't function on land.

What she didn't account for, was the absurd amount of pollution in the water. No normal water Pokemon would even survive in the river, much less battle in it.

Still, she insisted, stating that their Pokemon should be used to it by now. After all, the only place to catch a water Pokemon would be the murky waters.

It didn't take very long for him to arrive, as the base was on the outer parts of the city.

Frankly speaking, it was a small event that only really had a little over a dozen people attending. Besides Sol, her guards, and the ones battling, there were only a few people who came to watch.

The tournament itself wasn't something that was advertised, as higher-level trainers would find it boring or a waste of time. Plus, there was really no point in an audience since it should be a fairly quick ordeal.

Nova noticed a few people gathered around Sol, seemingly waiting for something. It was only after a moment of thinking did he realize that they were just the people who were in the competition.

Some of the people who used to look like random background characters now stood out as they changed their style over the month. Others like Ray and the crazy-looking girl stayed the same.

'Seriously, what is up with that chick' he wondered, watching the girl nearly hug her Zorua to death while she fanatically stared at Sol.

Sol wasn't even doing anything, she was just sitting and petting her Absol absentmindedly.

He did notice that Sol seemed a bit off. Although she had the capacity for violence and carnage, she was a very playful if not eccentric person on most days.

Today, however, she seemed pissed off. At what? He had no idea.

The moment he arrived, he got a few looks from some of the audience, and a single glance from Sol.

Instantly all of the chatter and light bustling ceased as Sol simply snapped her fingers. Standing up, she began to speak.

"Settle down, you all should know why you're here. If you don't know… you're hopeless," She stated matter of factly.

There was a pause as she waited for anyone who was confused to speak up or leave, but nothing happened.

"Let's get this out of the way before we begin: This will not be standard battling rules." She started with.

"This will be a one-on-one with lethal rules. In other words, the only rule is to not kill your opponent. You lose if your Pokemon dies or you surrender. Any questions? I don't care." the leader waved her hand in a dismissive tone.

Yup, something was wrong with her. Nova decided to just stay quiet like he often was, despite wondering why she was irritated on the day of the tournament she put together.

But there was always an idiot who couldn't read the room.

One of the contestants who got a little too comfortable around Sol decided to put his arm around her shoulder and give her a big stupid grin.

"Oh 'Cmon now boss lady, lighten up. You're gonna be training me later, the future harem king, you should be ecstatic!"


A few tense seconds passed as everyone just stared at the spectacle, all wondering how he even joined the guild with such low observational skills.

Instead of reacting the way most thought she would, she simply stared at him for a minute before she looked at everyone else and spoke

"On second thought, there are no rules. You lose if you surrender or die."

'That fucking idiot.' Nova couldn't help but curse him in his head. Immediately he glanced at the insane chick. If she was truly as yandere as he thought she was, she would have no self-preservation and he'd have to kill her to win.

The woman in question noticed his look and gave him a smile that was far too wide. He shuddered under her sickening gaze.

"The first match is going to be Grant versus… what was your name?" she asked, looking at the guy who was now starting to realize he fucked up.

It was now blatantly obvious by Sol's lack of enthusiasm that there was something wrong, a fact that even the stupid guy picked up on.

Instead of backpedaling and apologizing though, he just nervously gave out his name. His arm was 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 around her shoulder.

"Er, it's uh… N-Nisei."

Nova was watching this scene happen in awe. He knew some people could be dumb but this was a new low for humanity.

Pawniard, too, was flabbergasted. Even he knew that Sol was not to be tested, someone he immediately recognized as a worthy leader upon seeing her.

"Right, Grant versus Nissan. Go." She said without any inflection in her voice, before patting Nisei on the back and making him stumble forwards.

Nisei awkwardly walked onto the battlefield as Grant stood opposite him, looking at him with pity.

Sol raised her hand into the air, acting as the referee for the match.

Then, she swung her arm down to begin the match.

Immediately, Nova felt what he could only describe as bloodlust fill the air to the point that he just froze. It carried the feeling of being absolute. As if his death wasn't something up for debate.

It was just a simple fact-

He was going to die.


A/N: I started writing a DxD fanfic on the side. It won't take away from my Pokémon writing time tho bcuz i have no outline or plans for it, I just wanna write random fuckery to practice certain writing things.