Vision 3 - Contract (1)

After making all the diagrammatic scenes, Persephone's eye remained unchanged, and her voice cut the moment like a knife, completely passive.

" That makes sense but shouldn't you rest for a while? "

A slight vein seems to bulge at my forehead, but I just let a deep breath move through my body, letting the tension go.

I was taken out of my thought by the question she asked. Her voice was filled with innocence. Persephone's head tilts to her side as she looked at me with a genuinely confused look.

She looks curious about everything. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Even with her inquisitive look, I can't see any hint of surprise in her eyes.

" Shouldn't I be the one?" I squinted my eyes, playfully lingering on Persephone " asking questions to the Mrs. high existence? " I smiled mischievously, taking out my hands from my pocket, as I took a step towards her.


I let my eyes playfully flow into her eyes, and my smile turned to a grin.


I tried to be funny, but Persephone's reaction was completely unexpected. Her eyes seems to have gone dead, and the smile she had worn before was now nothing but a straight line.

I thought she didn't find my actions that funny and I was about to speak something to ease the atmosphere when I felt fluctuation in the surrounding.

Something was happening. Suddenly the air around me got tense and it became a little hard to breathe. I moved my eyes from left to right searching for something. The air became heavier and heavier. My eyes became harder to open and an uncomfortable look appeared on my face.

I tried to focus, but suddenly at random, I thought of focusing on the dark matter around me. Nothing, I didn't feel anything, but only air drying my lungs. It is still too early for me to feel the supernatural around me.

Nowhere else to look, my eyes went towards the only thing I could see, Persephone.

Her ametrine eyes were staring at me with a very serious deep hollow gaze. For this little time, that I have known her, It was the most serious look I have ever seen on her face.

Blood swirled through my veins seeming to fill some of the lack of air in them, maybe because of the rush but a sudden realization happened to me. It is her, She is the reason for what is happening to me.

I still wasn't able to feel the dark matter around me when I tried before, but the world went dark before my eyes.

' Shit! It seems like I got too relaxed around her. '

Persephone was upon me even before I realized, black smoke seems to flow out of her, shining like diamonds, and her eyes were staring at me with seriousness. I have never seen her this serious in the little time that I have known her. A deep shadow cast over her face, because of her hair.

Extremely high pressure build around me. It was becoming harder and harder for me to breathe properly. I felt like I am inside a vacuum space.

My throat dried down and my lips became dry as sandpaper. Right now I really felt like someone insignificant in front of her.

Just what did I say that pissed her off this much, I despondered. Her playful personality has taken a complete 180 turn.


[ The Exclusive skill False Awakening has been activated. ]

[ There is a vast difference in stats between the existences. ]

[ The effect of Exclusive skill has been weakened. ]

[ The Exclusive Skill False Awakening has partially eased the strain on you. ]


Several rose-gold screens flashed before me, like flashlights, making their arrival urgent. Even 'False Awakening' is been weakened. It was obvious, I am too weak right now.

" Why did you call me that? "

Her voice wasn't charming at all, it echoed in my ear. Right now her voice sounded more like someone who is even high among higher existences.

" A-Aren't you... hajk... Aren't y-you a higher e-existence- "

" Not that. "

Her words cut through mine like ice. What does she mean by 'not that'? I couldn't even make the words properly. I tried to breathe as much air as possible, but it felt like I had something stuck in my throat. It was becoming harder to even keep my conscious for the moment.

thud... ahhhh...

My knees suddenly gave out and I fell in front of Persephone. I supported my upper body with my arms. I wanted to let go, but if I did, I would be flat on the ground.

Fighting through the dryness in my throat, I tried my best to speak.

" W-What e-else? "

" You called me Mrs.? "

" H-huh? "

I had so much pressure around me that I could pass through the ground, but my head went up and I couldn't control that "huh" -which I don't know where came from- escape my mouth.

I thought I heard her wrong. I looked into her eyes, her's were pure black like a demon.

Persephone looked down at me. I couldn't keep making eye contact for long, but I was screaming in my head. As if she understood me, she asked again.

" Why did you call me Mrs.?"

This time I was sure I didn't hear her wrong. ' Seriously! She is pissed off about that! ' I wanted to scream my thoughts to her. She was practically killing me for teasing her a bit. I was on verge of passing out so try to reply to her as fast as I could.

" S-Shouldn't Persephone h-have H-Hades?... A-And I.. hupp.. w-was.. just.. t-teasing... "

My voice came out like a mosquito, even I couldn't hear myself, but Persephone seems to heared me, because as soon I said that, the pressure disappeared like it was never there.

Cough... Cough... Cough...

A little more and I would have fainted. I coughed hard and tried to Breath as much air as I could into my lungs.

" Hades and Persephone stories are about the real Hades and real Persephone. " Her words sounded from above, normal this time.

" B-but— " I tried to say something. I clearly wanted to say so many things, and shout at her.

" Don't talk about it. I am not tied by anything. "

Persephone jerk hand across her face, filled with clear displeasure as her eyes closed and her head also jerked to another side. It seemed like she was giving me the last warning. It was a death sentence. I shut my mouth and didn't say anything else.

Even the lower ones who possess a God name. After taking a god's name they take that god's personality, power, and persona of the previous original god. It was similar to a process of preserving that god's legacy.

Persephone was the goddess of the underworld, wife of hades -one of the three supreme gods of Olympians-. She is supposed to be a very popular and powerful mythological deity.

The higher existence is known as Star to address themselves as an individual. A Constellation is a faction, and Asterium is a whole community like Olympus, Veda, kami, Asgard, and similar.

Considering how important the real Persephone's position is in Olympus. I thought she would have a very high Personification of the real one, but that doesn't seem like the case, which is odd, according to things I remember.

After taking some deep breaths for a few seconds, it took me another minute or so to stand back up.

I looked at her - my surroundings all clear, no traces of the darkness from before - there were no flames around her, and her eyes went back ametrine-yellow. She seemed to calm down, but I could still see some stiffness on her face.

" I am sorry. " I apologized - feeling that I am the reason for her anger - forgetting about my own condition. " Emotions got the best of me. "

Well, you could apologize as well. I thought as I didn't get one from her. I had some questions but anyone who has the slightest common sense could tell I shouldn't ask her. We didn't say anything to each other.

Persephone took a deep breath, releasing a sigh. She looked like a frustrated mother, and then she smiled like usual. Seeing that charming smile again I felt relieved.

' Why did I feel relief? ' I questioned myself. It was strange, I just shook my head and tried not to think about bizarre things happening to me in this new world.

" So, In which direction is Atlas? " I sighed for the hundredth time on this hill, as I said, trying to change the topic to elsewhere.

Persephone understood that I was trying to change the topic to ease the atmosphere. She also looked at me with her usual playful sly smile. Seeing her child-like smile, it was very hard to overlap it with the serious face I saw earlier on her face, as released her aura.

" We have to go North. It will take about an hour or so to reach its shore. "

" I see. So, which direction is north? "

It is not like I had a compass or anything. Even if I would have it. It wouldn't have worked in an environment filled with dark matter.

Persephone smiled and pointed her right slender index finger toward a direction. I didn't think much of it and nodded as I started walking in the direction she pointed - without looking back.

I cut all my senses, only focusing ahead as I strolled. After taking more than a dozen steps, I folded my hand on my chest and only turned around my head to stare at the person walking behind me. The person stopped as well.

" Is someone behind us? " The person was obviously Persephone. She looked back to trace my gaze and She asked with a confused face.

" Sigh... I am looking at you. "

" Oh my, Thank you. "

" I wasn't- Nevermind, why are you following me? "

" Are you still angry with what happened earlier? I told you I am sorry. "

No, you didn't. I gave up. Her playful nature seems to have returned and I can not compete with her teasing. I could see a drop of tears in the corner of her eyes. Of course, it was fake.

She looked really pitiful. If someone would have seen this situation they would have beaten me after seeing her face, saying that I did something to her.

" I am not angry or anything. I am genuinely asking. " my eye closed as I tried to release the pent-up frustration.

" Why can't I follow you? Haven't we bonded? "

Bonded? sure a lot has happened, but wasn't this meeting just a coincidence? We have known each other only for an hour or two.

No matter what one says, I am not just casually going to go into this world with a higher existence just like that.

Don't readers of novels always complain about the Main Character trusting someone he just met? Well, I am not the main character, and I don't trust people that easily. Maybe I could have if she was someone I saw in my dreams. Then I would know what type of person I am dealing with.

I don't know her. I have never even heard about her. I could ask her about herself but after what happened earlier, I am not going to. Instead, I tried to make her leave on her own.

" Don't you think it will be troubling for you if you follow me? "

I tried to focus on the sound -waiting for her answer- as my eye were closed. I do not want to come out like I am trying to get rid of her. If any man would have to see that I am trying to get rid of someone as beautiful as her. I am sure they would be ready to beat me black and blue.

" What would be troubling for me? "

I asked her a question and she threw a question of her own. Also that smile on her face, it made me feel like some stupid kid, but I didn't let my emotion appear on my face.

" Right now there is no one here. That's why no one is watching but when we go near to other people... 'They' will notice. " I turned around to look at her as I said that while pointing towards the sky.

" Oh, that..." She followed, her eyes looking towards the sky "You don't need to worry about that." then she looked back at me " I have a skill that masks my presence. Drones will not be able to capture me. "

So she said. She talked about drones, So I assume she understood what I was trying to say but-.

" What about the employers then? "

" Those fireflies? They wouldn't even be able to sense my breath if I don't want them to. "

I figured as much. Right now, there will only be low-level employers on the planet. The high-ranked ones would be in the bureau and appear only after three years.

" You don't seem surprised that I know about it. " I asked with genuine curiosity, as I already figured out that I am not from this universe.

" Then it seems we both have Secrets~ "

Her words rhythmed. Although she is right. She is a stranger to me and so am I to her. We both have our own secrets. I decided to let it go.

Then something else got on my mind. Why I haven't gotten any notification from a higher existence, yet? I thought. Employers. Watchers. Drones. The whole thing was pretty similar to Media System from my original world.

The employers are similar to Cameraman streaming live feeds, as they have drones flying across the area. The Higher Existences are similar to the Watcher, for them, It was like watching players playing on an online RPG, and of course, these normal people were the players.

Anyway, it looks like I will be followed by an extremely charming plus seductive woman, it seem I don't have a choice. I thought to myself, as she followed, Her innocent face does a great job of hiding how dangerous she really is. I just wish that it will not come back to bite me. I don't like working too hard.

" If you say so, I guess I shouldn't be worried. "I said, because of pure habit.

" Aw. You are worried about me. How cute~ "


I laughed at myself, well because, She is right. Who should be worrying about who? If I remember correctly, my stats are all in single digits. Even a baby could kill me right now.

A sudden realization of my inferiority hit me, and I thought I need to raise my stats.

My mind kept pondering for an answer about my stats while thinking about the various event I could manage to remember on the top of my head, as We walked towards the north and eventually reached the shore.

Persephone teased me a couple of times while we walked but I tried to ignore her. I looked at the sea - through some leafy trees, shining, stretched as far as I could see- in front of me and It seems that.

'The only way to move forward is by water. '

I didn't have any skills which could help in this situation. I could look around the whole Island to search for some treasure, but I am not stupid enough to search the "Whole" Island. It will just be a wild goose chase.

' It seems I need to go for the old fashion way. '

I looked towards the bamboo trees in the distance and laughed like a defeated soldier.

' It won't be that hard right? '

I straightened my back, and with a determined look. I marched back into the forest to collect some bamboo trees.


After 4 hours, A handsome man with ripped muscle was laying on the seashore wearing only black jeans. Several bamboo can be seen scattered all around him. He was panting heavily like he had run a marathon.

Haah... Haah... ... ... Huuuuuu... Haah...

" What the Fuck!..." I shouted, yes, I couldn't help but swear "those people on survival channels make it look too easy! " again a valid point.

Haah... HaaH... ... HAAAAAAAAA...

" If I could ever go back I am filing a complaint to The Head of the Department of all Television Channels. " I sat down with my knees curled upward and my arms rested upon them.

I couldn't even make the base of the boat. I was tired after all the work, which was a complete waste. I took deep breaths as my head hung down, I rolled it to my neck, looking towards the woman who was watching me like I am a work of art.

" Can't you help me with this? "

" No, no-no," Persephone said sticking her index finger as it flick to her every word. "I am good watching you from here. A Handsome man working a sweat in nothing but pants. The sweat drops flow through those muscle cracks and abs. The view is too good. " the finger went back and became part of a fist, and she rested her head on it while sitting on a log in the distance.

It was good that I was already red after trying to make a failed boat. Otherwise, I would be red by what she said.

" We need this boat to move across the ocean. " I stated, pressing her for some cooperation.

" Mmhmm... "

She still looked at me with a goofy smile and a glint in her eyes. Suddenly I felt that She looked like a maiden in love again. I tried to have a stoic face, I didn't want to deal with her, my mind just wanted to give up. I try to picture her as some cartoon to clear my mind.

I thanked those girls in my head, who helped me to have a strong heart. It is helping me a lot right now.

Realizing that nothing is working, I stood up, facing directly at her, and I just... just.... asked for her help. " Help me, please. I can not do it alone. " Since I don't know anything about her, I do not trust her, but I can be shameless when I need to be.

" Okay~. "

And just like that, Persephone hopped from where she was sitting and floated towards me with a smile on her face. Hovering just in front of me - a little lower, as I was looking down into her eyes. She extended her hand with her palm facing the ground. I have seen queens do this kind of gesture.

" You want me to kiss your hand? "

" I won't mind~. "

Here we go again. Her teasing never stops. How am I supposed to survive her accompany?