Vision 5- Handling (2)

People of Teraa consider dragons as supreme beings. Their stats and skill are way above compared to other races, but I, who watched this world knows better.

When Dragons are born, they have high compatibility with dark matter. So their stats, especially magic stats are very high. While comparing in stats They have a good head start over others.

Even every other race has there advantages and disadvantages when it comes to stats.

Timothy looked at me like he didn't believe me.

" How reliable is information? "

" Very. "

[ The existence Timothy Sullivan used active skill 'Word Detection Lvl.2'. ]

[ The 'Word Detection' Skill has found no manipulation in your words. ]

He is even conforming to a single word that comes out of my mouth. He has a huge trust issue, not that I am one to talk, but I know these existence better than anyone.

" Go toward Calypso Forest in the middle of dragon country Ipritus. "

The face of Timothy paled, he still had his serious expression, but I could see he was hesitating. But mentioning that forset will make him believe me more.

The Viscount's Daughter will definitely be there. She is famous throughout the country as someone who likes to challenge dangerous places.

She is someone who one calls 'Crazy Adventurer'. She loves to challenge every strong people she could find and explore every mystery she could get her hands on.

The Calypso Forest is the best place to find danger. The forest has a nickname "she who hides", the forest is surrounded by many mysteries, there is no concrete information on the forest and whatever they have is very vague.

Yup, She was definitely crazy. I would like to stay away from her just as much as I want to stay away from the justice freak in front of me.

Even with all that, she will be useful as well but unless I need her I have no intention to meet her.

" I hope you will be able to find her, Now I will go. "

I have said everything I needed to. Now I just want to get out of here, but suddenly Timothy called me again.

"...Wait. "


I already turned by the time he called so I just looked over my shoulder with a confused look. I know He will not try to arrest me. He was someone who always kept his word.

" Let me talk to them, then you can go. "

I see where he pointed. He was pointing at two ladies who were looking at us with curious eyes. I just nodded my head. Talking to them won't take long.

Timothy went towards Dianna and Charlotte. I just stayed where I was standing, I do not want to get more involved than I already have.

Besides, I am sure many things will change just because of my existence, but it's not like I can just dig a hole and never came out. As I will live, I will get tangled with people like today. So it is better to keep it at a minimum.

" You look so calm like everything is normal, but I could feel you just want to get out of here. "

Persephone talked to me in the middle of the silence. Her voice is the sweetest, it really eases my mental fatigue, I wonder if she had some skill to ease people's emotions.

" You know it is really annoying. I am the only one always talking. "

I know, I could feel her annoyance. In fact, this bothered me too, I could just not talk freely because of drones. It was certainly annoying, I need to find a way around it.

" I will find a way. "

" I am sure you will~. "

Persephone has a huge smile on her, it was like the annoyance from earlier was never there. How could someone change their expression like that? She is scary.


I let out an audible sigh. I can imagine her going overboard with her teasing since I can't say a word back to her.

After some time, Timothy finished talking to both Dianna and Charlotte. All three of them walked toward me, Charlotte came to me first.

" Thank you very much, for everything. "

" It was nothing. "

I just casually answered that to her thanks. I really did not do anything, if it was not for me, they will still be saved by kafzeil.

" No. You saved my mother... and me. Thank you. "

Charlotte was a caring daughter, I looked towards Dianna she still looked confused and uncertain, I again looked towards Charlotte and smiled.

" Sure. Take care of your mother. "

[ The existence Charlotte's determination has increased because of your words. ]

[ The existence Dianna is deeply thinking about your words. ]

[ The existence Timothy Sullivan is changing his perspective towards you. ]

Those were pretty weird messages. I was just hoping that they can become dependable in the future.

Charlotte smiled at me and nodded her head. I turned around and start walking another way. It was time that I go and do what I was originally thinking of doing.

[ The existence Charlotte's feels a little sad. ]

I frowned as I again got a weird message, but I did not turn around or stop walking. They have Timothy now.

" I think that girl is developing a crush on you. "

" ...How? "

" It is woman instinct. "

I just ignore the projection of the beautiful woman beside me. Why would some teenage girl develop a crush on someone she met for a few minutes?

It was absurd.

But, since the opportunity present itself. I want to improve my mood. I put an expression like something is interesting.

" hmm? I feel some jealousy. "

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is curious about your jealousy. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' wants to know who you are jealous of. ]

Nubeculas. They thought I was talking about myself, but I could see a woman beside me snorting.

" Who is jealous? Do you think someone like me will be Jealous of them? "

" Ahh... It feels like it is increasing. Something is burning."

I put my hand on my heart to make it look like it hurts. Persephone just looked away. Teasing her back is the best relaxation I could ask for.

After walking a bit I changed direction to go deeper into the forest. Once Persephone confirmed no one was around, She shared her flight skill and I was once again between the clouds.

Flying among the clouds is the best feeling, it was like all of this was just a dream again.

" It looks like you are finally in a good mood again. "

" mhhmmm. "

Well, It was almost like a dream with a charming woman beside me, she was also comfortably flying through the sky.


For four days straight, I flew through the sky only stopping for sleep and recovering my stamina and magic. My stats are too low, that is why after getting my blesser I am going to raise my stats.

Fortunately, Persephone shared her stats with me but my body couldn't handle the strain, if it weren't for 'False Awakening' I would have passed out from the stress.

We are now four towns away from our destination. I had to ask locals for directions from time to time. Right now we are in a town called 'Brigians'.

It was a simple town with a huge church. It was also surrounded by forest.

Despite how it sounded, The people are living pretty comfortably. I could hear some pop music and the sound of stoves from the houses. People were opening shops, some were going to work.

It looked like a normal city from my planet, but cleaner, more spacious, and more beautiful.

" Why are we stopping here? "

" I am tired. "

I uninterestedly answered Persephone's question. I knew she could feel I am not that tired but she did not say anything.

I flew down towards the forest and sat on one of the branches of a tree.

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' finds your statement ridiculous. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Razel' Comments " you are always tired. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' Comments " you should rest. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' Comments " why are you going to Brimo? " ]

[ Some Nubeculas are curious about 'Gumiho's' Question. ]

During these four days, the number of Nubeculas watching me has increased. If I had to guess, it is because of Gumiho. I was also able to figure out some of Nubecula's personalities as watchers.

The Nubeculas 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is a funny guy. He always tries to make jokes and act cool, but when I don't show any reaction to him, he gets furious and comments insults right away.

The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is on the caring side. She always comments telling me to take a rest and take care of myself. She is positive existence. She gave me the impression of a Big sister who is always concerned about me.

I also got an unwanted friend and stalking media chick. Razel is someone who never comments to anyone as far as I know about him from my dreams. He is the least friendliest Nubecula under kafzeil, but he is commenting to me quite frequently.

I also ended up getting the attention of 'Gumiho'. She is stalking and commenting to me ver frequently. She asks questions about everything I do. I just ignore her comments, but sometimes I use her comments as a reference to talk to Persephone.

" I need to go to 'School of Art, Trivia' in Brimo. "

I again used Gumihio's question as a reference to talk to Persephone. At least she can be useful to me considering the number of questions she asks.

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' Comments " why are you going to Trivia?. " ]

[ Some Nubeculas are also curious about 'Gumiho's' Question. ]

I ignore her next question. Although it might attract some Nubecula who are interested in magic. Also, why does she has an equally active audience?

" Then Brimos is just Five cities ahead. We would reach there in six to seven-hour if you fly. Your magic and stamina should have increased a bit flying non-stop for days. "

I smiled and nodded my head. It did increase and reached Lvl. 7. It was not a huge increase, it was negligible compared with someone like Persephone in front of me.

Raising one's stats with training is possible but the existence has to work very hard. In my case, it was 4 stats, but considering I was just flying through the sky, it was quite good.

I relaxed and put my back on the tree truck while placing my stretched legs on the tree branch.

" I need something before going to that school. "

Astral-Persephone imitated my position on the tree branch next to mine.

" What do you need? "

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments 'what do you need?'. ]

[ Some Nubeculas are also curious about 'Gumiho's' Question. ]

Gumiho asked the same question, it made me smile. Maybe I don't need to find the device I was going to, regarding the problem of talking with Persephone.

" Money. "

" Money? ...that makes sense you need money to survive you have been eating fruits from the forest for the past few days. "

Food was not really a problem, but it made me realize I have never seen Astral Persephone eat anything. I was going to ask but asking a woman about her eating might not be polite.

" Well Money and some other thing. "

" Where do you going to find it. "

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments 'How will you get money?'. ]

[ Some Nubeculas are also curious about 'Gumiho's' Question. ]

" I will borrow it with some generous people. "

I said it with a bright smile on my face. Astral-Persephone looked confused and then she started thinking something to herself.

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' had a huge smile after hearing your statement. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Razel' comments 'your smile makes me uncomfortable'. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is smiling bitterly after hearing your statement. ]