Vision 11 - Plaza Incident?(2)

An item that can store skill is something that does not exist in the world right now.

It was a fascinating idea but Nubeculas will never allow it. If an item like that becomes widely accessible then the effect of Nubeculas over people of the lower realm will diminish.

" It is possible, in theory at least. "

Lisa thought about inventing an item like that. But before making anything it needs to have a solid foundation to work on. Dark matter is complicated and needs to be manipulated to create something new.

" What is your theory, Miss Lisa? "

I leisurely sat across her, I already knew everything but it wouldn't hurt to hear her, she wants to discuss it with someone, I know it.

" You wouldn't call it a crazy idea? "

" Why would I say something like that, before hearing your side? "

" What about Nubeculas, and church? everyone will oppose it. "

" Isn't that for the future? We can deal with it when it comes. "

Lisa looked at the person in front of him with curiosity. A person who had no background, he was very normal, but she was shocked when she saw how easily Hekate let her touch her.

She just hired him because of that was curiosity. Hekate told her that she felt he was special. Lisa had never seen her blesser talk like that about anyone, but there was nothing special she could find about him.

He was a normal handsome young man who always had something hidden behind a smile on his face, because of that she could also feel the mysterious aura about him. Despite all of that she found the man to be useful. He made her life easier and she could have more time on her hand.

Honestly, it was how simply he view life that made her start to trust him. 'Trust' is the word she never thought she would use again. It was funny, she could trust a person she meet weeks ago more than anyone right now.

That trust made Lisa share her thought with me.

" We know an item is made by 'Makers'. Most of the item that we get from 'Scripts' is made by Makers from Higher forms. "

Lisa started explaining her idea to me, I didn't think she would. It was a long shot but it worked out fine. She was correct though.

'Makers', they are not blacksmiths or mechanics, like in most novels. Makers are people with an artistic mind who could create things with their thought, but they need to have great knowledge of how to make them.

It is like being a blacksmith or a mechanic but they do all the work in their mind. They just need the right materials, and if someone with the right idea could approach them or they have it themselves, they can create items.

As Lisa explain I nodded my head and she continue.

" Basic of generating skill is that one had to generate it themselves, even most powerful skills are generated by someone. "

I nodded. She was right again, even the most powerful skill must be developed by someone's hard work.

" So once they die the skill must perish with them but higher forms still have them. "

Right, her insight was amazing. The skill must die with the owner, but Nubecula with the various god names has the original's skill. This time I spoke.

" Since Nubecula still has the skills of the god they have replaced, then that means there has to be a way to share or give skills. "

" Right! "

Lisa leaned towards me with excitement, I spoke the idea that she had ever since she had Hecate as her blesser. Hecate was very infatuated with Lisa. There was a part of it I saw in my dreams.

[ Your perception is increasing. ]

The part of my dream that I wrote, appeared on his own.

[ ... She was depressed, her husband died in a battle and now she has to raise her daughter alone.

Her husband, the Archduke, has to go to the battle but unfortunate circumstances appeared. People who went with him were depressed as well, he was a good man.

' I am sorry ArchDuchess Lisa. He was fighting bravely, it was just bad luck. '

' Yes, The opponent was a bad match. His skill didn't have any effect. '

' But he still fought bravely. '

Many tried to console her, but the fact that her husband is dead didn't change. All she knew was if he had perfect skill at that time he would have survived.

Her husband would have survived and come to her and her daughter... ]

[... It is been six years since her husband died, she had a duchess to look after and her daughter was growing up nicely.

" Mother doesn't have to worry. I will grow up and look after the Archduchessy, then you can continue with your research. "

A child of almost five years spoke to her mother sitting on her lap. Lisa looked at her daughter with a warm gaze.

" Yes. I am sure you will honey. "...]

[... In the middle of the night, inside a room, Lisa got a message.

[ The Nubecula 'Heckate' wants to be your Blesser. ]

[ Do you accept to be her avatar? ]

" No. "

It was something unexpected, normally she would have been very happy, but now her priority has changed.

[ The Nubecula 'Heckate' opened a private chat. ]

[ Hekate: I am intrigued by your passion. ]

A screen appeared in front of Lisa, the higher existence was going to great lengths by contacting her personally. She thought of the reply in her mind.

[ Lisa: Why is respected God is interested in me. ]

[ Hekate: No need to be formal. You gave me the same feeling that I feel. ]

[ Lisa: What feeling? ]

[ Hekate: Curiosity. ]

[ Lisa: I don't have time for this respected god. ]

[ Hekate: I will help you. I will answer all that you want to know truthfully. Of course, only about what I can say. ]

[ Lisa: anything? ]

Although Lisa refused. Hekate watched Lisa for a long time so she knew what will pique her interest.

[ Hekate: Yes. ]

Lisa had a lot she wanted to know but she was a lower existence with no knowledge of beyond. After thinking about it some more she made her choice.

[ You have chosen Hekate as your blesser. You are now her avatar. ]

[ Hekate: I knew you were like me. ]

[ Lisa: It is once in a lifetime opportunity. ]...]

Lisa got an idea of making an item to store skill after her husband died, she thought if he had the right skill he would be alive.

Hekate liked her passion and chose her as an avatar. She was also known for her many kinds of research in mythology. Through her Lisa gained knowledge about how higher realm works, and that they take one god's name as a successor.

Lisa leaned even more towards me, she was taking too much interest, It was the first time she was talking about it to someone.

I started speaking with my eyes closed like I was formulating everything and trying to reach a conclusion.

" If passing skill is possible and if we find a way, and... instead of passing it onto someone else, pass it to a storage item. "

" We can use that skill when we need to. "

Lisa nodded her head, it was all good of an idea, but there was a major flaw.

" Miss Lisa, You know that skills that had been generated, are generated by an existence's own effort, so they are technically attached to their soul. "

A skill that anyone has gained becomes one with their souls, people twist dark matter in such a way that it gets integrated into their souls and makes it a skill.

Lisa bit her lips and spoke.

" Yes, that is the problem. If we forcefully remove the skill the person will die. "

" Yes, I think that is the reason there are no two gods with the same name. "

It was the conclusion we came to. She already has studied this far and now she is trying to come up with a way so that people wouldn't die during the process.

I put my hand on my chin and again closed my eyes to think. There was a major problem, but Lisa will find a solution so that no person has to be killed.

I know it, I have seen her accomplish it in my dreams. It should be way into the future right before the overload would happen.

Keeping that in my mind, finally I spoke.

" If I may suggest an idea of my own. "

Lisa looked up. After our discussion, she lowered her head in disappointment, that is why I could see hope in her eyes. It was faint but it was there.

" I don't have any solution in my mind to prevent death. "

I could see the little hope she had in her eyes disappearing, she might be thinking she expected too much. I naturally know a way but I need something else first.

" Before doing that I think we should consider the storage item. "

Lisa once let out an exhausted sigh, I didn't mind it.

" Would do you mean? "

She was uninterested at this point, I could tell, but then I spoke with a smile.

" If a skill becomes one with a soul it means it requires soul-like surroundings to exist, then how would it be stored in a storage item?"

Lisa again lifted her head and then she opened her mouth to say something but there is nothing she could say.

Originally she will suppose to get a storage item from a Maker among the Higher existence right before overload happens. It was a storage device that could maintain a soul-like atmosphere inside it, but if he can make it, we can too.

" You are right! I never thought about that. Even if I found a way to get the skill. it is pointless if it can not be stored. "

" Yes, that is quite right. "

" My research would have been useless. "

Well, I wouldn't call it useless. It was supposed to be one of the greatest things done by a lower existence, but whatever she thinks.

" I need to study to generate a storage device that can maintain an atmosphere which can keep a skill inside it. "

Yes, she needs to. I want it in the future, there was a skill I want to be stored in that device.

" What else do you have in mind, Arthur? "

Lisa was talking so much that she doesn't realize that she was leaning toward me. Right now our faces were so close that I could feel her breath.

Lisa realizes that she was too close. I smiled and tilted my head to the side.

" This is the first time you said my name, Miss Lisa. "



Lisa always call me without using my name, it was the first time she said it out loud. Even Hekate was surprised, Persephone clicked her tongue at that.

-What is it?

I asked Persephone what happened but she didn't reply. Lisa realize the situation and leaned back to sit on her chair.

" I am sorry. I was too excited. "

" It was okay. It was a rare sight. "

" Your idea was intriguing. I will look into it. "

" Then I will prepare materials for the next class. "

I got up from my chair and headed towards the door. As I was walking Lisa spoke my name again.

" Arthur. "

" Yes, Miss Lisa. "

" Call me professor. "

It was an unexpected reminder, I also have never called Lisa anything other than 'Miss Lisa' since I have been here, except once. At some point, she stopped reminding me about it.

" Sure, Professor. "

" ...And thank you. "

" I didn't do anything. It is my job to help you. "

I didn't do it to help her. I need the item for myself, besides she would have got it in the future anyway, I just made it accessible a little early.

" Yes, go do your job. "

" I will. "

My job is to help her and gain her trust so that she can be my blesser.


[ The Existence 'Lisa Hart' now trust you more. ]

[ Affection of Existence 'Lisa Hart' is increasing. ]

[ Affection 15 -> 20 ]


The message I wanted to see the most appeared in front of my eyes. A smile appeared on my face and then I went out of Lisa's office.