Vision 11 - Plaza Incident? (6)

I took out a magenta-colored magical robe - with a beautiful design and black lines covering the whole robe. Its long collar was giving it a look closer to a cloak and passed it to Valerie. Her mouth opened to say something but I spoke before her.

"It is stamina enhancing tool. It will help you keep the blood flowing, giving us a bit of extra time"

Valerie's mouth closed as a determined expression took place on her face as she nodded. Looking back around me, I racked my brain as fast as I could and I was about to suggest something when one of the people from a yellow hooded coat -The assassins- threw something in the air.

It was like a ball, a small black ball. The small black dot fell from the sky, becoming bigger as it came closer and landed near the beautiful fountain, the same one I saw this morning. I looked at it as it landed on the empty place on the street, coincidently missing the fountain area.

Thud... Booom.

The black ball touched the ground and exploded. Realization washed over me that it was a small bomb.

Fortunately, nobody got hurt but people on the street started noticing that something is happening very wrong and when a bomb exploded, all the attention was diverted toward the huge burnt hole - filled with debris. Clearly sticking out from the beautiful surrounding. People started to panic, and multiple voices started coming into my ear.

" What is going on? "

" Some people are causing a ruckus. "

" Quick! out of the way, imbecile! I don't want to be hit by the bomb! "

In the middle of the rucks, my eyes were drawn towards one of the spies on the roof who took out a bag and threw it in the air. The bag opened like a closed flag, revealing its holy content, and flew with the wind. Multiple small black balls appeared in the air hovering like death over the entire plaza.

People also noticed the bombs in the air, then those bombs started descending and hitting the ground.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Multiple sounds came from different areas. People in the plaza also started to take the situation seriously as some of them got hurt.

" Ahhhh.... "

" My Leg! "

" Out Of The Way! "

It became a total mess, I looked at Valerie but she was already looking at me, her expression hardened becoming serious.

" I will deal with the bombs. " She said.

I nodded, then the air around Valerie changed, as everything felt weightless. I focused on my foot to feel the ground so that I could feel all my senses.

The air was forming something around Valerie and a White tablet screen appeared in front of me


[ The Existence 'Valerie Davison' has used Wind Manipulation Lvl.2 ]


A benefit of one of my skills I assume, since I could not see my Profile. Shifting back my focus around me, I noticed that some of the spies were throwing bombs everywhere, blasting several places. Fortunately not where the people were, but that was not the case for some of the buildings towering over the plaza.

Valerie used wind manipulation, making it flow upwards and synchronizing the process to make a neutral layer, where the weight of the bombs was balanced. Valerie manipulated the wind as the bomb slowed down and then stopped in mid-air.

My vision shifted and I was looking for other spies. Ducas was taking care of spies, assassins, whatever they are. He pulled another spy who was behind the carriage by his neck, and smash his head into the carriage window. Then he threw him aside, and with a single jump, he was on the roof where other spies were, that was all I could notice, as he was moving too fast.

He really is a scam character.

Thanks to Valerie most of the bomb was being held into the sky and Ducas was taking care of spies on the roof.

By now everyone in the plaza realized that something is going horribly wrong here.

Everyone went running around, trying to get away from the bombs that were hovering in the sky. Valerie was standing just beside me, suddenly I felt like someone had hit me with a hammer and I could hear only a ringing sound in one of my ears. I felt something coming our way.

[ Your Perception is increasing. ]

Another white slate appeared and I jerked dodging the knife attack similar to before.

thud... thud... thud... thud... thud...

People in yellow overcoats suddenly fell from above and made a circle around us. I stood defensively, sticking out my chest, and looked over my shoulders. Valerie looked pale, her face very close to being pale, but it was not that bad.

I sighed, a little irritated because I thought it would be over without me doing anything, but it looks like it will be not.

The plaza was in chaos, people were running trying to avoid the bombs, flying debris, and holes left behind by the blasts.

" Calm down. "

" Move this way. "

Some guards who were present in the plaza at the moment came rushing down, calming the people, and then they started formally evacuating and guiding people outside the place where it will be safe.

" Miss Valerie how long you will be able to hold the bombs? " I inspected our attackers while I waitig for her reply. Yellow assassins dressed in white trousers, yellow overcoats - with two red stripes at the open edges - strap in a samurai form, along with a big hood covering the half above of the face and a white mask -covered with different red patterns- and leather pads at joints.

" I can hold it for a while, but I can not use two skills at a time. "

It was like that. She had skills related to every element - which is as rare as discovering a source of water in a dried dessert- but she can not use more than one skill at a time.

" It's alright, as soon as Ducas takes care of them, blow the bomb in the sky. "

Valerie nodded her head. There were still spies on the roof throwing bombs everywhere. Ducas will take care of them, and then Valerie can blow the bombs while holding them in the air, that way no one will get hurt. and it will be just like any other day.

I turned around to see six spies making a circle around us, I used Prescient Description on them -the only skill that I know something about- the world around me blurred and focused back, and The white screens revealing their Profile appeared to me whenever I focused on anyone. And as expected none of them had Blessers, and their agility stats were the highest among all others stats.

" You are not going to tell me anything, are you? " I gave one of the assassins an intense intimidating gaze, making eye contact from the only holes in the mask.

" You should be afraid." The assassin whom I made eye contact with hissed at me " and take your damn hands out of your pockets. "

I was afraid, but I wasn't sure how seriously I should take this fight. It was going to be my first actual fight in this world. The assassin from before who spoke earlier runs towards me with a knife in his hand. I might have seemed like I was overconfident because I kind off felt like that.

He moved really fast forming into shadows and then disappearing, I barely saw much of anything. Hurriedly, I shared some agility stats with Persephone and tried focusing on the Points in my possession.


[ Point possess: 22,200 ]


White marbled slate-like tablet, with golden runic designs and text, appeared. I had a great time playing riddles these two weeks. I accumulated so many points, any normal existence here wouldn't believe me if I were to tell them that I got these many Points in two weeks.

I acquired a large sum of Points from the Hidden Script I completed, and Gumiho told many Nubeculas about it, among other things. And because of that many Nubecal observed me and donated many points, while I asked some riddles. It also helped me with the interacting problem - I was, sorting of, having for while now - as watchers demand regular interaction.

[ 5000 Points have been used ]

[ Strength Lvl.19--> Strength Lvl.29 ]

[ Stamina Lvl.19--> Stamina Lvl.29 ]

[ Agility Lvl.19--> Agility Lvl.29 ]

[ Magic Power Lvl.19--> Magic Power Lvl.29 ]


[ Your Strength has increased tremendously. The capability of your body has increased ]

[ Your Stamina has increased tremendously. You would get less tired. ]

[ Your Agility has increased tremendously. You could now move and perceive things faster ]

[ Your Magic Power has increased tremendously. You could sustain skill for a longer duration. ]


Multiple different colors of marbled slate-like tablets appeared in front of me, sliding up letting the other one appear in its place and leaving my peripheral view. I ignored them but focused on my muscles - feeling the movement of my toes and fingers- and the world around -flowing with different colors of hues painting it.

I could have used more points, but Points could be used in many other ways than just evolving us, and I like to keep them, just in case I require them in the future. Anyway, I also had other methods to deal with this mob.

[ The Benefit of the Soul Contract has been used. ]

[ The high existence 'Persephone' has shared her stats with the lower existence Arthur. ]

[ Agility Lvl.29 -> Lvl.70 ]

[ Difference in stats is too high a time limit has been placed. ]

[ Time: 19minutes. ]

I had Persephone. White screens appeared in front of me, and My agility reached seventy. The spy that moved so fast that they were only a shadow to me, were visible to me now.

Investing Points in Agility only made my movements faster, it didn't actually increase my perception like when I read BTWD.

Even so, my agility was now seventy and his stats were too lower than mine and because of that, I could make out his movements.

As I watched him moving towards me and reaching closer to me, his hand holding a knife was moving towards my face. I just moved my face slightly to the left and dodged it.

His hand moved past near my face, and the spy's eyes became confused, which was the only thing I could see from underneath his mask, but then he also moved his hand to the left - forming an arc - to cut my neck.

I put strength on my back and bend backward, again dodging his attack, which cut through slightly above my chest. It wasn't difficult for me, it was like I was doing stretches.

I could see the surprise and confusion in him, even though he was masked.

His voice was muffled and intense.

" How- " but he couldn't complete what he was trying to say as I kicked him in the stomach from underneath thrusting it upwards. My kick connected with his torso and the spy was thrown to the upside and tumbled sideways.

I didn't increase my Strength, so the kick wasn't that powerful, it didn't cause any damage but I managed to create some distance between us.

Other spies surrounding us got on their guard. They equipped themselves with two daggers and raised them up to their faces in a defensive stance, which looked very similar to a scene from a game to me.

The spy who was thrown by my kick stood up, his eyes red, and he looked really pissed. I guess he was angry because he thought I was weak, and that same someone weak had dealt a blow to him.

" Take us seriously damn it! And Remove your hands from your pockets. " He hissed at me again with vicious eyes, I could again saw them through the holes in his mask.

Hmm? My hands were in my pocket? I questioned myself frowning a little. I moved my fingers and felt the fabric around them. They were indeed in my pants pockets. I didn't even realize it.

" Okay. Why are taking it so personally? " I took out my hand from my pockets raising my shoulders with them.

I was going to raise my hand in defense but as soon as they were out of my pockets, two spies on the side moved toward us. One moved toward me and the other one moved toward Valerie.


[ The Benefit of the Soul Contract has been used. ]

[ Strength Lvl.29 -> Lvl.61 ]

[ Difference in stats is too high a time limit has been placed. ]

[ Time: 14 minutes. ]


I didn't want too many of these stats to be shared, it will put a burden on my muscles, and exhaustion will be more added as well.

I moved incredibly fast, I felt the wind prickling my skin like water. My stats were higher at the moment, and the spies didn't even see me as I moved toward the one who was aiming for Valerie.

The spy moving towards me stopped because I wasn't there. I appeared in front of the other spy, his eyes and my eyes met and he faltered stumbling on his toes. I didn't miss the chance and punched him in the stomach.


This time my strength was high, the spy let out a painful groan and flew towards one of the shop's roofs.

" What are you doing? Attack all at once. "

Other spies flinched at the words. It was the same spy who attacked me first. He must have higher authority than them it seems, all five spies looked at me and moved following his command.

Once again I quickly looked through their Profiles. Everyone had high Agility stats but my stats were still higher. I dodged the knife aiming for my neck, and then at my legs. It wasn't that difficult, I just sidestepped shifting from their paths.

I tried to look through my vision, taking in everything, my vision was blurred but I could see the bigger surrounding, and I focused on the bombs still hovering in the skies and Valerie.

One of the spies reached near her, on her backside, pointing his knife at her. I moved quickly coming in between them, and punched him in the face.

" Thank you, Sir Arthur. "

" Focus on the bombs. "

" Yes. "

The bombs were still hovering over the Plaza, it looked like a large horde of birds. There were easily more than a hundred bombs, which... is kind of weird, I thought. They are using too much, are these people terrorists?

I don't remember that there was any terrorist incident in 'Brimos'. I was getting annoyed, first I got tangled with a higher existence, then Charlotte, Dianne, Timothy, and also The Church. I also had to approach Lisa for my future survival and others' what-not.

So many things have changed and now this. I don't know what consequences there will be. These are the events that originally didn't happen.

But these things also need to happen for my survival, I reminded myself. As I will live my life, my foreign existence will change the course of the world as I know it. My existence is like a boat traveling through a maze-like stream.

I might just have to flow until I reach an end, but there still lingers a question, who is the real target of these assassins?

Is it because of me? have I done so much, that now someone wants me dead? but I couldn't remember anything that would have led to this incident.

I did blow up the church but that was in 'Brigians'. No one knew about my involvement. At least no one alive knew about it, Ducas had already killed the underlings of the 'Fifth'. I couldn't figure out why these people were targeting us.

As I was thinking, a yellow silhouette came into my peripherical vision and unconsciously I punched the spy as he flew and crashed into one of the shop's walls. Other spies jumped back to create some distance, now there were four left, and all of them looked at each other and nodded.


[ The Existence 'Marian Moreno' Activated 'shadow walk Lvl.2' ]

[ The Existence 'Andre Stephens' Activated 'Fading Lvl.1' ]


A white slate- screen hovered in front of me, as I tried to sense their future movements. One of the spies melted into his shadow, the second one became half-transparent almost invisible. The first one used a skill, shadow walk, it was a good skill because it let him walk between shadows.

The other one used a skill that bends some of the lights around him, it was not that good of a skill, but with high agility, it could be useful to create confusion.

The last two moved toward me without using any skills, one of them was the spy who attacked me first, the leader, I assume. Once again, He aimed his knife at my face, I dodged it, but this time he didn't hesitate and swung his knife making an arc, trying to cut my throat.

" Tch..."

This time instead of bending like before I bent my knees and crouched, the other spy saw this and aimed for my legs. I grabbed his arm - stopping the knife tip centimeters away from my clothes - while remaining in my crouching position.

I was about to throw him aside when another spy emerged from my shadow, aiming his knife at my eye. I put strength in my arm and threw the spy in my arm, twisting him behind and rolled on the ground then stood up again.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments " Do it again. do it again." ]

[ 800 points donated ]


I will show you again while kicking your ass, asshole, I thought but I didn't say it out loud. But this is one of the reasons I hate these so-called Gods.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " You look so cool while fighting. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments " He should practice more. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments " His movements are a little sloppy but it was still good. " ]


[ 2,000 total points donated. ]


Here, I am fighting people with supernatural movements, and they are judging me like some game character. It was frustrating.

I ignored the messages appearing on the marbled slate-tablet screen. The spies once again moved towards me aiming for my vital points. They targeted my neck, eyes, and legs, it was not difficult to read their movements but dealing with three of them was a little excessive for my experience. My cloak got cut in multiple places.


[ Some Nubeculas are enjoying your fight. ]

[ 800 points donated ]


Enjoy while all you can. I will deal with you all in the future. There will come a time when I will be the one causing messes for you, and then I will laugh.

I dodged the attack again and looked around quickly. Valerie was still manipulating the wind to keep the bombs in the air, and I could see Ducas throwing some of the spies from the roof.

Everyone was doing good, I just have to resist for a little bit more.

I could not access my Profile so I didn't know if I had any skills to fight at all, and I still haven't gained any new skills which could help me. So, all I can do is rely on my stats alone.

I dodged a couple of more attacks and then I sensed some movement underneath. I grabbed the spy coming from my shadow and pulled him out. I swing him with all my strength stats and smashed into the other spy that was coming for me. They both flew and landed inside the fountain. Only one was left now.

" Who are you? " I demanded - looking into the eyes that were shimmering yellow and orange behind his mask.

" You know I won't answer. " his voice muffled and resounded as if to challenge mine, a little childish though.

" Now the situation has changed " I lifted my head and looked into his eyes, his were still glowing but mine were looking down on him," tell me if you know anything. "

At the start, their numbers were more and the whole city could have been blown up by their bombs. Now bombs are being dealt with and soon be gone also most of them are down now.

" That's not true. " he hissed and I could make out his face forming a frown from his eyes.

" Look around. " this time I led him to look around the plaza with my eye looking at them. Every citizen was a little past my vision, and Yellow hooded long coat assassins were laying around, Dead.

The area was a mess there were broken carriages, the street had no people, most of them have left the place and only people in yellow dresses could be seen, some had fainted but most were dead stabbed through the heart staining that area on their coats.