CHAPTER 7 - To encounter (2)


Getting back to camp, Michael decided to use this chance to get a little bit of info from karma so he could plan out his moves more intricately.

 "So you're a beta tester, do you know what steps we have to take to clear this game in the fastest way possible.?" Michael questioned while watching karma eat.

" I have some ideas. If you're talking about leveling up, the best way is to defeat monsters consistently. Quests from NPC's could give you Exp, but not but not as much as the ExP from killing monsters. Also your equipment must be up to par with your level, maybe even better to defeat monsters above your level so you can hit higher than your level range" karma explains slowly.

 Michael nodded his head, showing that he understood. Continuing, karma adds

" There's a 22 level safety limit. the Floor bosses cannot be slain alone cause they have their own minions. A large party is needed to defeat the floor bosses. for now you should focus on getting stronger the higher level you are, the greater your chances of surviving the floor boss".

" Looking at your equipment, they don't look like beginner equipment, you're not a normal person are you." Karma asks with a suspicious gaze.

" I'd like to think of myself as a common man trying to do better "Michael said while smiling.

" I'll try to get some sleep for the night tomorrow is gonna be another trying day.  I could give you some pointers if you're interested tomorrow, it could give you an advantage when fighting monsters about and above your level" Said Michael before jumping up Sitting cross legged and closing his eyes.

Looking up at Michael, his thoughts only known to himself before also laying down and trying  to rest, karma knew he had to drop his cocky attitude if he hopes to not only survive but thrive in this world of AINCRAD.


As the light of the new day began to fall on the smooth grass on the field, a young man with dark dreadlock style hair, sitting cross legged on a large tree opened his uncommon grey eyes. Looking ahead, he spotted his new acquaintance karma, fighting against a monster and began observing him in order to understand his level of skill so as teach him better.


Taking in a deep breath, he began to prepare for the day by planning out his moves before hand. Jumping down from the tree, he began to have breakfast and observe karma while deciding to spend more time after this fighting. After 20 minutes, Karma came back mentally exhausted and physically spent.

Holding in my amusement, I resisted the urge to outwardly smirk.

"You should have waited for me before heading out you know, don't want a repeat of what happened last night, right?" Michael said.


"Just stretching my limbs before we get started. So when do begin sensei?" Karma asked mirthfully.


"Right now" said Michael.


Heading out immediately to the fields, michael began by explaining the theory of having absolute control over one's body so as to be able to use 100% of the body's strength. Such also applies to the game.

Showing karma a demonstration of his elementary , he became amazed but showed little reaction outwardly. Moving on to a more hands on approach, he began teaching karma some basic attack and defense stances and movement plus evasion skills.


Karma being a talented young man could quickly understand the moves in theory but had to put said theory to use by fighting a monster head on. Michael did him a favor by demonstrating said moves to him slowly so he could grasp them better and faster.

Given the chance, karma began to get hit and make silly mistakes due to being too over confident to ask for help and he had to be saved multiple times by Michael.


Before the day ended, he could perform all basic moves shown to him, only failing once or twice, showing proof once more of his genius. Recalling the events of yesternight and amazing skill of the person called Michael humbled him once more and snuffed out his slowly budding hubris.


Going back to camp, Michael asked


"Are you leaving tonight?"


A little bit taken aback karma replied" yeah. I don't even wanna guess how you know that".


Turning around and looking him in the eye, Michael said" it was nice knowing you, even though we met under such dire circumstances. Thanks for the info as well"


"I should be thanking you but, you're welcome, Anyways see you when I see you". Replied karma while walking off, heading towards town in the distance.


Seeing karma walk away, Michael began to return to his rhythm of slaying monsters while challenging himself by fighting monsters above his level to further his style. Going into a high level field, he discovered a new monster called a Treant. It was a plant type monster with high defense, powerful strikes and low agility.


Approaching from the front, he used to get in front of the monster followed by a quick thrust and . Seeing the still standing mob with it's health above 50%, he began a rapid assault of the monster by moving around it with and attacking with successive thrusts and slashes. Moving so fast, it nearly caused a mirage effect before the monster was slain.


 Feeling pumped, he began increasing the number of monsters continuously and getting used to to their patterns. Facing 4 simultaneous enemies, he began to feel pressured and started getting hit but persevered and kept fighting, then it suddenly clicked and a new skill was unlocked.


"Mirage strike "Michael shouted out loud as his figure began to flicker and form multiples images at different locations at once coupled with almost simultaneous crescent slashes slaying all the monsters at once.


Taking a break and regaining his bearings, he checked out his new skill and realized it was formed from continuous use of and numerous attacks giving a very versatile skill that isn't limited by attack stances and can be activated instantly and in conjunction with other skills.


Continuing his advance, he began to fine tune the skill, integrating it into his style by using the treants as training tools to increase his attack power.


He continued said routine for days with different monsters to adapt to all types of enemies before taking a break after he as satisfied with his progress and level.

A week has passed since crossed he paths with karma and he was back to here he started. Taking a step towards the direction of the town called kiev, he heard a girl's scream and sighed to himself, wondering if this spot was cursed or something before deciding to take a look.