Chapter 52, Competition Accept A Disciple, Big Shot Chat Group

S rank was not like cabbages that could be obtained just like that.

Under normal circumstances, if one could obtain an S rank from the first ten or so reincarnations, they could be considered the best among the reincarnators.

A newbie like this, who had obtained S ranks for their first two reincarnations definitely had extraordinary potential!

Should he be roped in?

The administrator felt that it was very necessary, so he simply sent this message to the administrator's private chat group for everyone to discuss.

First Generation Reincarnated Old Boy: Brothers, I just found a pretty good user in the forum. What do you think? [picture]

When He Chuan's personal information panel screenshot was sent out, someone immediately replied.

100 Reincarnations Only For SS+: "Oh, two S badges? Not bad, this level is more than enough to get a master title in the small circle. Why haven't I seen it before?