Chapter 59, A Demoted Prince? Glory City Was In Danger!

[Life Background: You came from a noble background. You are the youngest prince among the eighteen children of the current Emperor.]

[Although you are young, you are the only legitimate son. However, because your Emperor Father does not love your biological mother, who is the Empress, he does not care about you.]

[When you were ten years old, he issued an edict that stripped you of the right to inherit the throne and made the first prince the Crown Prince.]

[The first Prince was born from another concubine. He had never been on good terms with you. He was jealous of the power you once had.]

[That was why after he ascended the throne, in order to protect his own interests and prevent you from making a comeback, he and his mother secretly used all sorts of methods to continuously oppress your living space.]

[After all of this was known by your biological Emperor Father, not only did he not stop it, he even tacitly allowed this kind of behavior.]