Chapter 93, First Time To The Freedom City

He Chuan left Glory City without bumping into anyone else.

According to his plan.

Su Wan should be able to comprehend the profound mysteries of the Tyrannical True Cultivation Manual soon after she obtained it.

After all... A person like her who could break through to level three of the awakened one at such a young age must be quite talented.

She would be entrusted with the responsibility of protecting Glory City for the time being.

As for whether the other party would secretly take away the Tyrannical True Cultivation Manual and spread it in Xu Country...

He Chuan did not have such concerns at all.

Anyway, with the rebate BUFF, all losses would bring him even greater gains.

You want to run away with it?

I would be more than happy to!

However, after such a short encounter.

He Chuan felt that Su Wan was not such a person.