Chapter 111, Tragic

He Chuan watched the soldiers under his command die one after another and even had to drag a strange beast along with them before they died.

He felt a great pain in his heart.

A feeling of powerlessness welled up in his heart.

But there was nothing he could do. There were too many strange beasts. He had to protect the magic crystal cannon first and had no time to help the soldiers who were in danger.

This was the choice he had to make.

"For Glory City, for the City Lord!"

A soldier's chest was bitten through by the Cerberus, but there was no pain shown on his face.

Blood flowed out from his chest. He raised his enchanted spear and used all the strength in his body to stab it into its chest.

The Cerberus, who didn't have time to react, had its throat pierced by the spear. It whimpered a few times and fell to the ground with the soldier.

Until the moment of death, the soldier still had a smile on his face.