Chapter 131, Princess Changning And Prince Cheng‘an

The Fifth Year Calendar of Emperor Xuanzong.

The fifth year of the new Emperor Zhou's succession.

He Chuan knew Emperor Zhou's name, Zhou Shimin.

In recent years, Zhou Shimin had not come to the library as often.

As the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he had to deal with political affairs every day, so the number of times he could come here to read books gradually decreased.

In these few years, He Chuan had already half-stepped into the saint cultivator realm.

Just like the 9000-year-old Wei Zhongxian, he had touched the barrier at the top.

As long as he broke through this barrier, he could become a true saint cultivator.

Actually, three years ago, He Chuan had already become a half-step martial saint. With the example of 9000-year-old Wei Zhengchun, he chose a more stable method.

His mental state and strength had both improved.

His strength had accumulated to a certain extent.

His confidence was also higher.