Chapter 147, Showdown

No matter how hard Princess Changning tried to persuade him, He Chuan refused.

While the two were in a stalemate, a palace maid came to report that the emperor was in critical condition and wanted to see Changning for the last time.

After the palace maid left, Princess Changning suddenly wanted to kneel down!

As her personal teacher, it was not a problem for Princess Changning to kneel down.

However, He Chuan did not like to kneel down so easily, not to mention that the other party was a Princess.

He quickly released his true energy to prevent Princess Changning from kneeling down.

"Life and death are determined by fate, and wealth and honor are determined by heaven. Life and death are normal things. Princess, you need to be more open-minded," He Chuan advised.

"But I can't bear to part with Emperor Father. I beg master to think of a way." Princess Changning still did not give up. She hoped that Zhou Shiming could live a few more years.