Chapter 151, Imperial Seal of Nine Thousand YearOld

"What? Make the gray-robed eunuch of the library as the Nine Thousand Year-Old and temporarily cancel Changning's Marriage?"

A few important officials stood rooted to the ground. Zhou Shimin had specially called them into the Imperial study to announce such a ridiculous matter?

Could it be that the Emperor had suffered from the side effects of being poisoned? Otherwise, he would not have given such an order.

They would definitely not agree.

"Back then, the nine thousand years old Wei Zhengchun did a great service for the Great Zhou Dynasty. Moreover, the Princess marriage is a matter of the royal family's face. The Emperor needs to consider this carefully." Fang Yuanqing hurriedly went forward to dissuade him.

If this were to spread, wouldn't the Great Zhou Dynasty become a laughing stock?

"The prime minister is right. His Majesty, this matter can not be trifled with."