Chapter 157, The Great Show Begins

He Chuan leisurely drank the porridge in his bowl and sent out his spiritual sense to cover the entire Yangzhou City.

Cai Lian quickly finished the steamed bun in her hand. "What is Young Master looking for?"

With her current strength, she could faintly sense the aura He Chuan sent out.

This was because she was particularly close to him. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to sense He Chuan's spiritual sense.

"Looking for a show. This Young Master is going to bring Lian'er to watch a big show."

He Chuan put down the empty bowl, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"I like watching Beijing Opera. Unfortunately, I only watched it once on the street, so I didn't have time to listen carefully."

The kind-hearted Cai Lian did not hear the hidden meaning behind it. She naively thought that He Chuan was really going to take her to watch a show.