Chapter 615, The Desert Tribe

In the great desert of Yubei, the Nur Tribe believed that there was no enemy in the North. They did not recognize the five grains and only ate fish and perilla.

It was said that the people of the Central Plains were ignorant, but the people of the tribes in the outer regions were even more ignorant. They didn't even have a surname in their lives.

Only used a simple name.

Their clothing was also very backward. Some people wore animal skins, while most people wore clothes woven from the most primitive hay.

From this, it could be seen that the status of the clansmen who wore animal skins was relatively higher.

They had always been on guard against outsiders.

"Young master, this group of people is really strange. Why do they keep staring at us?" Cai Lian hid behind He Chuan in fear.

With her current power, all the people of the Nur Clan combined wouldn't be her opponent. However, she wouldn't kill innocent people.