Chapter 170, Xiongnu Tribe

The Xiongnu totem was a Black Dragon.

They were a group of nomads from the ancient deserts and grasslands. Most of them lived in the Gobi Desert, and the tribes on the grasslands were their elites.

In the war, the Xiongnu people would behead the enemy and receive a cup of wine, and they would give the wine to the enemy, making them their slaves.

It could be seen that the Xiongnu people had the custom of headhunting. Chopping off the heads of their enemies in the war was a symbol of honor, and they could be rewarded by the tribe.

It was precisely this kind of fierce fighting style that caused them to become a major threat to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

After the first emperor of the Zhou Dynasty unified the Central Plains, he ordered Qin Aolu to lead 300,000 troops and a group of Xiantian cultivators to attack the Xiongnu people in the North, overtook Hetao region, and station troops in Shangjun.