Chapter 193, Gurdan's Plan

The Eldest Princess left with a meaningful smile.

"Coquettish fox, she is truly shameless!" Cai Lian snarled.

Most importantly, the Eldest Princess's figure and appearance were indeed alluring. If it were not for He Chuan's strong self-control, he would have already become a guest of honor.

She lowered her head to look at her ordinary chest and suddenly felt a sense of defeat.

"Lian'er, you don't have to be envious. You're still growing up. You should eat more meat when you're free." He Chuan consoled her with an amused smile.

Women really cared about these things.

Last night, Empress Changning had even asked him if he had ever liked another woman.

He Chuan was speechless about this. He used to be a eunuch. What was the use of liking a woman?
